Chapter Two

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Quinn Greene smiled at the people gathered around the exhibition tucked in her little corner, keeping a watchful eye over the people crowded into the room. 

The day so far had passed quickly with little incidents or stressful situation something that was immensely common in her chosen career field. 

Now with only one tour left of the day, Quinn was more than ready to crawl onto her couch, finished with social interaction for the rest of the day. 

"Excuse me, Miss?" A little voice called out.

"Yes?" Quinn replied, looking down to see a younger boy sporting a t-shirt with Captain America's shield on it. 

"I just wanted to ask when the next tour was."

Quinn gestured to the stand next to her, which detailed the tour times each day and an invitation to ask her any questions that the general public would have. 

"The next tour will be starting in the next 10-15 minutes. You are welcome to stay if you would like but you might also like to have more of a wander before the tour starts." Quinn replied with a brief glance down at her watch.

"Thank you very much, Miss." The young boy said, turning around to who Quinn assumed were his parents.

"It's no problem. Hopefully, I will see you in the next ten minutes or so."

It didn't take long for a reasonably sized group to gather around Quinn, everyone's faces were eager and excited for the tour ahead. Something that Quinn would never get tired of seeing. 

Her eyes scanned the crowd that had gathered before they stopped on a taller man wearing a baseball cap towards the back of the group. There was something so unusual about that man that she couldn't quite place it. However, she tried to shake the feeling off, turning properly back to the entire group in front of her, absentmindedly keeping one eye on the man at the back of the group. 

"Hi, welcome to the Smithsonian and most importantly the story of Captain America exhibition. My name is Quinn Greene and I'll be your Tour Guide for today. Before we start does anyone have any questions?"

After the completion of the tour, Quinn stepped back into her corner, several people walking up to ask her questions including an extensive conversation with a Captain America fanatic who had also seemed too eager to try and get her phone number. 

However, as her eyes once again picked up the unusually tall man with the baseball cap pulled low over his face, Quinn still couldn't shake the feeling that he was familiar to her somehow. 

She was certain that she had never seen this man before in her entire life, but even that didn't seem to provide much solace as her mind searched for him, desperate to shake the feeling of familiarity. 

Her concentration and eyesight of the man were broken by another person coming up to ask her a question. 

"On your tour, what did you say that Captain America's shield was made out of again?" A woman with bright blue hair asked excitedly. 

"Vibranium," Quinn replied with a smile at the woman's enthusiasm. "The strongest metal on earth."

"It's quite unfortunate that I can't get my hands on any of it. I wanted an exact replica. Seems like I will just have to make do with a plastic, metal combination replica."

"Oh yes, that's quite unfortunate," Quinn replied absentmindedly, her eyes following the baseball cap man in a way that she hoped wasn't too stalkerish. 

"But anyway. . ." The woman continued on, seemingly re-telling her entire life story leading up to that exact point. Quinn tried her best to block the woman out. 

"Ah, excuse me. I have to run to the bathroom." Quinn finally blurted out, watching the man turn the corner falling out of Quinn's view.

"Oh, of course, that's no problem. Thank you for just listening throughout all of that, sometimes it's important just to have a chance to talk about things to total strangers."

"Oh yeah totally." Quinn briefly stated. "Thanks for asking a question. Enjoy your evening." Quinn said before starting to head towards the staff bathrooms but after she was out of sight of the blue-haired woman switched directions heading towards where she had last seen the baseball cap man.

Her eyes widened as she turned the corner, the realization coming to her in an instant. 

There was the baseball cap man, a finger pressed to his mouth in a motion to shush the same boy wearing the Captain America shield t-shirt who also had the same wide eye look that was also reflected on Quinn's face. 

It was Captain America. It was Steven Rogers standing in the exhibition dedicated to him and his life. No wonder he had seemed so familiar, you didn't forget the face of one of your idols that easily. 

But as those blue eyes moved to face Quinn's shocked expression, she internally panicked, she had to say something, the only thing was that she didn't quite know what to say. 

"Um. . . Usually, I would ask the exhibition goers if you had any questions. But I'm going to assume that you definitely don't. You must already know everything in here. God, I have so many questions." Quinn rambled on to the amusement of the man in front of her. 

"I'm going to assume you already know who I am. Uhh. . . Quinn." Steve Rogers replied, briefly glancing at the name tag pinned on Quinn's chest. 

"Well, yeah of course. There was something so familiar about you that I couldn't shake, I guess it makes sense though, I've spent so long in university studying you and your story. But if I'm being completely honest that disguise is doing absolutely nothing, you stand out like a sore thumb. You should be glad that everyone hasn't recognized you yet, there would be a small riot I would assume."

"Yeah, probably." Steve Rogers replied with a chuckle. "That was a great tour by the way."

"Oh, thanks."

"I've never heard such a detailed recount of it all and I lived through it all. You've got talent."

"Thank you, it's not talent though, just a slightly unhealthy obsession."

"Well, whatever it is, you are doing great at it."

Their conversation was soon interrupted by the PA system. "The Smithsonian will be closing in ten minutes. Hope you all have a great evening."

"Well, I better get going." Steve Rogers gestured around where people were starting to leave. "It was lovely to meet you, Quinn, maybe I'll see you again sometime."

"Yeah, it was great to actually meet you. Have a lovely evening." Quinn farewelled as Steve pulled the baseball cap lower over his face, attempting to blend into the mob of people making their way towards the doors. 

Quinn's eyes widened once more, her heart beating rapidly as she almost jumped up and down from excitement.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Did that actually just happen?"

Tour Guide | Steve Rogers ✓Where stories live. Discover now