Chapter 9- new house

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Rea's POV
After hours of house hunting we finally pulled into a house. It was wooden and surrounded by the forest. A huge two story house master bed room on the top and guest rooms on the bottom. The tour was amazing and the perfect house for us Luca shot me a look I nodded. "We will take it" he smiled brightly the lady nodded and we filled out the papers and paid. I'm assuming Luca told Taylor about us because he scooped me up and carried me to our room. "Werewolf movers are bringing our stuff over right now" he whispered against my neck. "Perfect" I moaned as he bit on my soft spot. A searing pain started in my neck "Luca?" I whimpered "what's wrong?" he looked me over.

"My....neck" I gasped as the fire spread I thrashed but he held me down. "Rea? Rea! look at me" he lifted me chin towards him "your first mate marked and is mating another" he told me. The fire stopped and I curled into a ball against his chest and he held me tight "it'll be ok" he cooed in my ear. "Your right, because I have you" I breathed in his face "right" he kissed my lips.

Matt's POV
It's been two years since Realene left. The pack weakened and Caleb never stopped looking. He and his brothers slipped in depression and wouldn't talk to anyone but each other. Pretty sad if you ask me. But I have moved on I'm dating Cassie Brown and we marked and mated each other. My wolf stopped talking to me, because he to missed Realene. "ROUGES!!!" Someone yelled from outside "babe go to the safe house I'll be back" I kissed Cassie's lips and she nodded and ran off. Smashing the window I shifted mid air and charged into the fight.

Rea's POV
Putting away the last thing in the box I fell onto the couch. Good thing is the house is on our pack lands and we are not far from the pack house. "Hey babe" Luca pecked my lips and slipped me into his lap and hugged me from behind "Alpha linked we have to leave in four weeks time to help a pack" he murmured against my neck "what pack?" I asked cautiously "Red Moon" he breathed. I froze "my old pack" I whispered frantically "they're your old pack" he growled and tightened his arms around my stomach "yes" I sighed as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"They will never touch you again" he vowed "my hero" I giggled "damn right" he muttered and switched on the TV.

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