Chapter 3

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A few days have passed by and I hadn't heard from the group yet. I stared at my iPhone for a few minutes to see if anyone would had texted me. "Well I guess I'll decorate my room or soemthing." Not that my room really needed it. I called first dibs on the master bedroom of the house. It was neon blue with a tan carpet and three closets. I decorated it with a 42' flat screen TV, LED light equipment like candles,and a queen sized bed. I missed Lin and without her it's so...boring! It was starting to get dark and cool out so I opened up a window. "Maybe I should sketch and get things off my mind." I went from the window and started heading for the closet where I keep all my art supplies when I passed my mirror. I hated my reflection with every fiber of my being, looking at myself disgusted me. I looked into my reflection and started with my hair which was a dark chocolate brown with light golden highlights. Then my eyes, they're big but also dark brown but turn lighter depending on my mood. My nose is like a button and my left cheek was punctured by a dimple. My lips are full but my lower lip is larger than the upper. I looked down to my body, I'm not flat but I'm not curvaceous either. My waist is tiny but I feel everything about me is small. I turned from my mirror and frowned at what I saw. Others say I'm stupid and that they would kill to look they way I do, but I don't see it. I don't have beauty, I don't like it or want it... I don't even know the meaning of it. I turned on my speakers and got my sketch pad. "i was made this way for a reason. Maybe not how I planned but it's how I am." I repeated to myself drifting into the music as my pencil drifted onto the paper. I stared at the paper for a bit. I always need inspiration to draw something and it finally hit me. "A new me... Maybe what I want myself to look like? A fuller looking me, perhaps?" I pondered to myself. It was hard getting inspiration but I was bored. It was this,organizing,watching TV,or writing a song lyrics. I began focusing, so intensely that the world around me disappeared. From the noises of the cars outside to the loud music playing in my bedroom. I was ready for a new me.

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