Part 2: Go for the throat

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Cenia's P.O.V

I get up early leaving Sinister in the bed and walking down to the gym, in my gym clothes and of course Val is in there and I need to train, I've been weak enough.

I wave at her and I go to the bars they are my favourite and have been since I was a kid. Putting white powder on my hands I jump up on the bar starting to swing myself back and forth, getting myself warmed up.

Once I get the swing I flip up and swap my hands over so I'm swinging the opposite direction. I flip round on my torso. Making sure I don't stop until I see double. When I've had enough I flip of the bars landing on my feet. Looking behind me I see an audience, including Val and Dante. They clap and I bow.

Once they leave I see Sinister there and he's clapping slowly. He leaves my eyes sight and direct towards the punching bag on the opposite side of the gym. Smiling I go to the treadmill and run for a while glad that Val joins me.

"So how was last night?" Val says wiggling her eyebrows. That little bitch she set that up.

"Peaceful because I fell asleep. After I told him to get his arm away from my waist or he's sleeping on the floor, then good?" I say back and Val laughs.

"Nina I love you, but you need to find yourself a man and not a boy..." she begins to say looking at Sinister.

"..... and him over there is a man" Val says and I shake my head. She's so wrong. He's annoying and a little boy. I don't need no man in my life. Men ruin life's.

"Also you are completely welcome for me phoning Mateo and telling him about the alliance, and no he isn't happy in the slightest, but he knows it can't be broken and yes he knows about it, he was hoping they would forget" Val adds and I'm in shock and disappointed, I can't believe he knew all that time. He knew and never told us?

"He didn't seem as though it would be a great deal, he knew and it wasn't his place to tell you, it was Madre's" Val also adds in. I reluctantly nod even though deep down inside I'm annoyed at my own brother.

After talking some more and then deciding I've had enough of the gym after 2 hours, I'm sweaty and my clothes are now sticking to me. I walk up to the kitchen and see that no one is in there. So I stand near the fridge at a stance to hand stand against it. Holding my arms at such strength to keep me up and once I am happy I got down.

Val then walks in and I smile at her

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Val then walks in and I smile at her.

"You doing handstands in the kitchen again!" She says pointing the finger. I shrug my shoulders.

"Do one on the counter!" She screams all giddy and I smile walking over to the counter I pull myself up. Spreading my legs to keep my balance. Then straightening my back and pointing one foot to the wall.

I hear Val clapping her hands and I look down to see Sinister in front of me eyeing me up and down. I gulp deeply as he comes towards me leaning down so he's near my face. Both hands either side of me and Me still in an upside down position. Val sees that as her que to leave. I kind of wish she didn't.

Demionos Mortales De la Mafia- Part 2Where stories live. Discover now