Part 2: Safe and Sound

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Sorry we have haven't updated in a while we took a break but we are back!
Next up date is next week - we promise ☺️

A/N SORRY!!! Sorry we have haven't updated in a while we took a break but we are back! Next up date is next week - we promise ☺️Enjoy!

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-4 months later -

Cenia's P.O.V

"Have you had toast?" I ask Sinister suspiciously, looking at the side of his mouth with half closed eyes and seeing a bread crumb. He looks at me with a smirk on his face and then he licks his lips.

"No" he says highly not even looking at me as he sits next to me on the sofa after placing my orange juice on the table. Mamma Mia is on the tv and they sing dancing queen while dancing through the forest.

"You liar! I can smell the toast!" I say, pouting my lips while palming my overly sized stomach containing my little miss fit of a baby who loves to kick at my bladder. This child inside me hates toast and eggs, the only foods I properly can't smell or think off without feeling sick.

"Sorry flower I need to eat" Sinister chuckles, pecking me on the cheek but I push his face away, annoyed at him for eating the only thing that makes me feel ill.

"Can I make you a fruit salad to say sorry?" He whispers in my ear and kisses the side on my neck. I pout at the tv thinking about his delicious offer. The baby kicks at my stomach as if to reply 'yes'.

"Come on don't pout at me, you and my boy in there both know you love my fruit salads" he says, his teeth nibbling on my ear, making me giggle and I can't help it but smile. He wins yet again, I can't stay mad at him.

"Okay! Fine! yes, make me one now" I order, raising my hands in the air saying silently 'get on with it'. Kissing his pink lips as he smiles widely at me. I watch him stride to the kitchen, he hasn't got a shirt on, of course he doesn't so I can see his toned back and tattooed chest. My breathing grows rapidly by just the sight of him.

While I was in the cell when Noah had me caged up. I never fully felt all my pregnancy hormones apart from anger, but now since Sinister saved me and brought me here, they have been everywhere. I'm horny, sassy, moody, crazy and sad all at once. One day I cried because I couldn't see Val.

- 3 months ago-

"NO WE CANT' STAY HERE! I NEED TO SEE HER!" I scream, tears fall down my face as I look at the post card Val sent to me of the knew baby girl twins. I so badly want to see her and be there for her.

"Flower you know we can't" Sinister tries his best to convince me, his voice soft but it doesn't work. My mind is set on leaving this place now.

"No! I'm packing my stuff. I want to go back to Italy!" I say, tears cloud my vision as Sinister looks blurry. I am sat on the floor of our walk in closet. My suitcase half packed of my things ready to go.

Demionos Mortales De la Mafia- Part 2Where stories live. Discover now