Part 2: The Story Never Ends

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Sinister P.O.V

When I left the house telling Cenia to go to her room I knew she wouldn't listen, or my brothers will convince her to stay with them.

It makes me feel jealous that she might like my brothers more than me and I don't understand. Why can't I tell my feelings out loud. Why can't I just tell her?

Maybe I'm scared that she'll laugh at me and look at me differently. I shake my thoughts away as the car starts to drive of down the high way and I stare out of the window thinking about the meeting I'm about to attend.

A loud noise erupted though the car and I look down to see the noise is coming from my phone. I instantly answer it as it was from the manager of Hotel Royal. The highest and expensive hotel in the whole of Russia and I want it.

"Hello" I answer, leaving no time for him to say it first, I was ready to debate business terms.

"Don't bother coming to attempt to buy this hotel unless your paying with not cash but that gorgeous Alverez girl. We know you've got engaged with her" The manager, Johnathon Kingly says in the background as I could here ruffling of paper like he was on a desk and I freeze at his statement, my bomb ready to switch on and explode how dare he say that.

Is he fuck getting my girl but I need to play it cool. I am a mafia man and I lead the trouble I don't want to start something I can't finish.

"You're a funny man" I say lowly as I look outside the window of the car and on the other end of the phone I can hear him as he laughs before stopping abruptly.

"You either give us her or we take her. Your choice" he continues. Did he just threaten me? With the life of my girl?

My soon to be wife. Take her from me, over my dead body and I fear for Cenia. That switch has definitely gone off and I'm ready to start a war for my flower.

"Go fuck yourself....." I say, ready to start an argument about the ways he could fuck off, but he is quick to cut me off.

"Already do that Mr Petrov, come on, give us her and we can eat our way into the Italian idiots. You know the ones that took all your property's and killed your brother. Why are you marrying her anyway?" he says with a slight chuckle in his voice and I freeze on the spot as I think of my past and I finally realise, I'm marrying into the Spaniards and the Italians. The exact family that killed my dear brother.

"What do you say?" Johnathan says at the end, I can see the smirk on his face by just hearing his voice. He knows what he's done to me with out physically seeing me.

"You can take your offer and stick it up your ass" I say hanging up and throwing the phone on the window making it and the phone crack. Grabbing the whiskey from the limo cupboard I gulp it down, wanting to take the pain away of the loss of my dear brother, he didn't deserve to die by the hands of the Italians.

Gulping down another mouthful. I tap on the window to the driver and ask to take me home. He does quickly and soon enough I am back home and now two empty bottles of whiskey lie on the floor of the car. I get out and stumble into the house, with the help of the driver to get me up the steps of my own home.

"Cenia!" I scream, god I need to see her, she can talk to me, even looking at her or being in the same room makes me feel calm. Smashing the empty whiskey in one of my hands to the marble floor, it smashes and surrounds me, shattering beneath my feet. I look up to see my mother coming out from the kitchen she looks at me, distress and worry is planted on her face.

"Sin? What's wrong! Are you drunk!" She shouts like I'm 15 coming home pissed out my head, I mean I am pissed out my head but I'm not 15.

"Yes, where's Cenia!" I shout waving my hand that's holding my other whisky bottle and my mother doesn't say anything except call out on my father.

Demionos Mortales De la Mafia- Part 2Where stories live. Discover now