chapter 34

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Neil Laughed and then looked at sahil in the eye...

Neil: I like you to try...avni koi toy nahi hai jo chahe use udake le jayien.... she is her own person.. aur wo apne pyar ko chorke kahi nahi jayien gi ab.. u will have to return empty handed sahil..
( I will like you to try... avni isnt a toy that anyone can take her away... she is her own person... and she will never leave her love and go away now...u will have to return empty handed sahil)

Sahil: we will see.. it's my challenge 10 din ke andar she will  give u divorce and come with me... Dekho maine divorve papers bhi banwa lia hai..he said taking out the papers from his blazer pocket.
(We will see... it's my challenge that within  10 days she will give u divorce and come with me... see I have even got the divorce paper ready)

Neil: I appreciate your effort Sahil.. but feeling sad about your failed attempts... No one can snatch avni from me.. The challenge is on.. he said putting on his sun glasses and turned to leave while sahil watched him as he placed the papers back in his pocket.

Neil got into his car and left from the orphanage

At the police station all saluted neil as he walked in..he nodded his head at them as he walked to his cabin and sat down at his desk

Neil's mind was recalling how sahil actually showed his true face which nobody knew about.

Neil (to himself): never ever thought sahil was going to be like this... he didnt come to india just like that but he came to get avni.. all his good behaviour is fake which he is doing in front of everyone and he is so confident that he will take avni that he even got the divorce paper ready...but now his true colours r out in front of me and I need to think fast becuse if sahil can behave all nice under our nose then it wont be hard for him to snatch avni away without anyone even knowing....whatever u have to do neil it needs to be quick because sahil cant be trusted.

Vidyut walked in to the cabin looking at a file and glanced at neil for a sec and then looked back into the file

Vidyut: neil... we got the blood test results and our doubt was right about the suspect he is innocent so we should get our men to ask in that area and gather few more information about this family what say he said

Vidyut looked up from the file few sec later when he didnt get any response to see neil in a deep thought

Vidyut:what happened to him ? He thought to himself

He  called out Neil's  name few times but still no response...

Vidyut then walked near neil and tapped on his shoulder few times

Neil: what happened? he asked  to see vidyut standing next to him.

Vidyut: u tell me what has happened? I have been talking and called out your name but u wasnt responding.

Neil:I didnt realise... what was u saying?

Vidyut:first tell me what happened? u seemed to be in some thinking mode

Neil: arien  I was just thinking about random stuff anyways leave all that  and tell me what was u talking about

Vidyut felt somewhere neil wasnt telling him the exact reason but he didnt force him and showed neil the file

Vidyut:I was talking about the new case look at the reports he said

Neil read the reports to see that the blood was not matching that had they found at the crime scene means this person is surely trying to save someone he knows

Vidyut: exactly so we should get our men to work and see if they can find any lead in this whole thing

Neil:u r right call them up and tell them to start and inform us with solid information

AVNIEL FF:  unconditional love BOOK 2 Where stories live. Discover now