chapter 31

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Important announcement
Hi, this is Suku not Sonali.. This chapter is planned and written by me for the soul purpose to surprise Sonali and you all.. I have been very busy.. But Sonal is extremely patient with me and all of you too.. So, I thought to dedicate this entire chapter to all of you and my lovely Sonal.I hope you enjoy it.. ~Sukanya
P.S.- Do read the end notes

He started to get images of how avni had tried to say sorry to him when she had come back to india

the efforts she would make to melt his heart

Their arguments where she decided not to intefer in his life

Their marriage

How she took care of him when he was ill

Him realising how much he had missed avni

Their reunion where they shared their emotions pouring it out

All those good times came flashing in front of his eyes

Suddenly he saw avni forwarding  her hand while he stood there smiling and lifted his bands but stopped when he saw a hand come on top of hers but the hand wasnt his but sahil who was smiling looking at avni...and then he heard avni say "mera sahil" while looking at him ...and then avni walking away with sahil where Neil extended his hands to reach to avni but she went away leaving him with darkness surrounding and suddenly grabbed avni hand

Neil leaned forward  with his forehead sweating.. he turned to look at avni still sleeping and looked at his hand clutching hers when he had held when he felt darkness around him

Even though it was a dream he couldnt bare the thought of avni been taken away from him..there was something there in him that was stopping him from letting avni go

Neil realised that he had lost avni once but he cant afford to lose her again and that fear was actually there in him...he looked at his hand which was holding hers and then looked at avni to see a smile on her face

Neil (in his mind) last time I couldnt stop u from going away from me... first be it leaving from college and then India... and now u have come back in my life...making me alive again and I cant  bare my life without I will not let her go away from me again not again....I want u to be here with me avni...right next to me... he laid down next to her not moving his hands away from hers

How peaceful she looked while sleeping.. he kept rubbing his thumb in circular motion on her hand..Though it was consciously done as
he was looking at her face..  suddenly Avni jerked in her sleep and he held on to his breath  praying that Avni won't wake up and catch him.. But all Avni did was shift near him still sleeping and now her head was on the crook of his neck as she engulfed him in a half hug.. Her right hand which was being held by Neil was clasped tightly and now placed near his heart.. Neil was now very aware of their close proximity.. He released his breath which he had held for long when he realised she was still sleeping..

She took a deep breath and shifted more close to him..Now her nose touching his throat and her right hand leaving his hand and moved on to his waist ..Her half-body was on him totally and she hugged him possessively.. Her breath tickled his throat and he felt all the butterflies in his stomach.. she inhaled deeply as if taking his scent and with a content sigh she muttered 'Neil'...

Something jolted him right then and there as if her voice electrocuted him.. He felt goosebump on his whole body.. The deep black cloud that had covered and confused his mind and vision for so long now shifted..

For the first time he realised the shocking truth.. He realised why he felt so incomplete all these years..because.....because the person who made him complete was absent from his life.. He understood why he had felt so numb after Avni left because it was her that made him feel alive.. He loved her... God he loved Avni..not like a bestfriend but the way Adam loved Eve.. A Man loved his woman..

AVNIEL FF:  unconditional love BOOK 2 Where stories live. Discover now