chapter 17

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Dhruvee007 like I said the next chap is dedicated to u as your birthday gift here it is .. sorry that it got delayed

After eating Avni went to get her bag while Neil wondered where was avni going.. Neil saw her go and followed after few mins to see her zipping her bag taking few of her stuff

Neil:what r u doing?

Avni:Neil i wont be here for few days so take these medicine on time and do tell maa or Bebe if u need anything

Neil: where r u going

Avni:to stay at the metha mansion for few days so u have some freedom.. no lectures from me she said shrugging her shoulders

Neil was getting mixed feeling he was surprised and worried at the same time

Neil:but y r u going?... avni looked at him confusingly

Avni:maa wanted me to stay there for few to spend some time and even bebe and Shweta maa agreed..she walked out of the room while Neil wasn't happy with the news

Neil pov
Neil:wait wait wait.. y am I feeling like worried.. she is only going to the metha house for few days and then will be back.. I sounded so... weird I guess when I asked her... like the thought of her not been here giving me medicine, taking care of me, scolding me will feel like something will be missing.. in these few days I can feel her absence be it even for few hours and here she will be gone for few days...... Neil.. neil just calm down.. u have other things to do that can keep u busy right... don't think and stress too much.

He walked downstairs to see avni sitting next to neela on the couch and went down before they left.

Neela: shall we leave now she said looking at dayawanti

Dayawanti:of course

Avni moved to hug shweta, prakash and bebe.. while Neil looked on sadly not knowing y he is feeling like that when the metha family came to hug him, he moved his eyes away from avni and looked at them..

30 minutes later

Neil was pacing in his room back and forth with hands on hips ...

( it's only been 30 mins without avni and this is Neil's state... bechara.. )

He looked at the time which showed 2:30pm.

Neil:what's the point of looking at the time. It's not like it's going to go in a quick mode

while walking his feet got hurt thanks to the bed leg

Neil:great today is just not my day he said annoyingly and sat on the bed holding his feet tightly to reduce the pain.

At that time Shweta walked in and saw Neil in that position

Shweta:oh my gods tillu what happened she said walking towards him and sat down.

Neil:nothing mom I was walking and by accident hit my feet against the bed leg noth.....before he could continue shweta spoke.

Shweta: what shall I do with u tillu always in a rush... avni is right u never take care of yourself properly and just do what u want to wonder she came to check on u all the time.

Neil: mom.

Shweta: be quiets... it's good she called me and reminded me about your medicine.. otherwise if I hadnt come here u wouldn't let us know about your injury...

Neil in his head: great she had to call mom and remind her to have my medicine .. she could have called me directly and tell me but no this is avni.. he thought annoyingly at the fact that she didn't call him

AVNIEL FF:  unconditional love BOOK 2 Where stories live. Discover now