chapter 44

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Neil: is it too late?...did I take too long he asked in a cracked tone but all he got was silence as nobody answered his question

Taking a deep breath neil got in his jeep and headed home

After sometime he reached to the khanna mansion and without saying a word went to his room and sat on the bed

Neil: y...y did I realise my feelings so late...y did I take time to tell avni my feelings...y...y neil Khanna y...can there still be a chance? Can I convince avni that I really love her?...only one person can answer my question and that is avni  he said to himself as he looked at avni picture that was on the wall

Neil decided to freshen up

He got up and walked towards the wardrobe and was about to open his side of cupboard when he noticed a paper sticking out from avni side...
Opening the door the paper fell on the floor upside down, he picked it up and  was about to place it properly back into her  wardrobe when he noticed a word written on the paper "divorce'...Neil went still when he also noticed avni had signed on it

A long tear rolled down his cheeks...his heart felt heavy...avni had taken a decision already...

Neil: how can I let you go life is incomplete without you...nothing feels the same when you are not here...when you had left college it felt so odd and then when you left the country itself... it felt like everything was different and nothing felt the same...a part of me had gone with you....and when you came back I felt as if I was able to breath Again...I was confused to what I was feeling for you and then I realised myself that love is what I feel for you...not what I had felt for mithali will I stay without you?  he said as he looked at the divorce paper as he sat against the wardrobe

Neil closed his eyes as he recalled his time with avni from the past till now ..and for how his happiness she left him so that he relation with mithali  doesnt get she sacrificed her love for him so that he can be happy with the person who he thought he loved...

Neil: I got my answer chatterbox...when you can sacrifice your happiness and love for me in the past...then I can do that for you hell with sahil challenge...I want you to stay willingly with me avni and if sahil is the person you choose then be matter how much me and sahil dont get along...your love was unconditional and so will mine be...neil will still love his avni unconditionally and live with the memories he made with her be it old or new...he said smiling painfully as he looked at their picture...his eyes all welled up

Neil slowly got up and walked towards his desk and looked at the frame that had him and avni smiling crazily...a small chuckle left his lips while his eyes welled up slowly as he caressed the photo looking at avni and then placed it down
Taking a pen and paper he looked at it blankly and then back at the frame...with few deep breath he started writing
After some.time he looked at the piece of paper  scanning what he wrote for avni...getting up  he walked towards the wardrobe picking up the divorce paper which he had left on the floor
Signing it he placed the divorce paper in the drawer and left the letter on the desk

Neil packed some clothes and grabbed his phone as he headed down to see.only shweta in the living room while bebe had left to go to the mandir nearby.. shweta looked ahead and  was surprised to see him with a small suitcase

Shweta: Tillu what's this? Where are you going with this small suitcase?

Neil: I am going out of city to handle a case was all suddenly that I wasnt able to inform you all he said lieing

Shweta: oh Gods...ok fikar not I had made some snacks take that with vidyut coming too?

Neil: no mom just me... vidyut doesn't know as the commissioner called me I'll inform him later

AVNIEL FF:  unconditional love BOOK 2 Where stories live. Discover now