Chapter 9: Don't awaken the Guardian

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As the sun shines majestically over the sky a new adventure awaits our heros. Ash and Serena decided not to go for training today and take a day off training. The group is now just hanging out in the forest.

Bonnie and Max are playing with pikachu while the teens are getting breakfast ready.

"So Serena and Dawn what's next for you both?" Asks Ash.

"Umm lets see the next performance is in a week so umm lets see" said Dawn

"Its the the biggest event in Hoenn yet" said Serena

"Awesome, i cant wait for you guys to rock it!" Said Garry.

"Yeah, it would be awesome" said Ash.

After a few of jokes and chatting Ash got called by Lucario.

"What is it Lucario?" Ash said while standing next to him

"Master, I sense something bad is about to happen" said Lucario.

"I feel that too.." said Ash.

They both shrugged it off and Ash started returning to the group when suddenly a Sludge bomb hit the group causing smokes to spread out everywhere and everyone burst out in coughing. The smoke cleared everyone was on the ground unconscious, then Ash noticed Serena isn't there. It happend in a instant that ash couldn't even see what happened.

"Where's Serena?" He shouted.

Everyone gained there consciousness and woke up seeing Ash Scream. Ash screaming was never a good sign. They realised Serena isn't there.

"She was right here" said Misty

"Who fired that attack and where did Serena Go?" Asked May to Dawn as she was standing closest to Serena before.

"I don't know May" she replied with a concern.

"We need to find her fast" said Ash.

Everyone nodded.

"But how?" Asked Clemont. The group started thinking and then looked at Ash who has his eyes closed and his hands were joined while he bent towards the ground. Suddenly a portal started opend in the air. Out of the portal came the ruler of time Dialga.

"Hello old friend, It's been long since we last met" said the legendary pokemon.

"Yes it sure is, but I summoned you here for a favour, someone took Serena I need to find her instantly" said Ash.

Dailaga's eyes started to glow blue as the whole scenery played through ash's brain again although this time he can see through the smoke. The girl who attacked her last time was the one who took her. He looked the girl dropped a device by mistake.

"That would be enough Dialga" said Ash.

"If you need my assistance old friend just summon me again, I wanna meet this girl who caught the Aura Guardian's heart" he said before disappearing back in the portal. The portal closed sending shockwave.

"What the fuck Ash?" Asked Brock

"Language!!" Shouted may and Clemont Pointing at their siblings.

"Yeah what was that Ash? You just summoned Dialga" said Misty.

"I'll explain that later, right now we gotta get Serena back" Ash said as he ran towards the device she left back by mistake. He picked it up and showed it to Clemont.

"That's a transponder, we can use this to locate their base" said Clemont.

"That's good, track it fast!!" Said Ash..

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