Chapter 5: You can do it!

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Another day arises while our heroes are in Dewford city now. Its the day Dawn and Serena have their performances. They both are getting ready for their performances while the boys are out training with Clemont and his machine.

"You see Ash , my inventions rarely blow up now" says Clemont

Ash chuckles while noticing smoke coming out of it. Ash And Clemont clearly knows what it is but not Garry he had never experienced Clemont's machine blowing up until the machine blows up. Lucario , Ash , Clemont and Garry stand there with sweat dropped and their messed up hair and face.

"Clemont, why dont you make bomb instead. That almost killed us" Said Garry

"HEY!!!" Clemont exclaims. While Ash is laughing his life out what Garry suggested. 

Back in the room

"What was that?!?" exclaims Dawn

"oh dont worry, probably another one of my brother's invention blowing up" says Bonnie.

The trio laughs and shrugs it off.

"Dawn do u think we can win today?" asks Serena.

"The time will tell Serena, now lets head out. We dont wanna be late" said Dawn

"You're right" she says. The trio gets up and starts heading out.


"Hey Guys!" a unified voice from behind the boys.

"Oh, hi Seren..." Ash dozes off seeing Serena, wearing her blue dress which compliments her eyes, She's still wearing the ribbon Ash gifted her. Same happens with Garry while he's looking at Dawn.

"Hello? Earth to Ash"; "Uhm Garry?" says Serena and Dawn to the boys.

"Oh , yea... You guys looks beautiful!" Both the guys says while Lucario and Clemont nods in agreement.

"Well , Lets go we dont wanna get late" said Dawn.

The group reached the stadium where the event was gonna happen. The participants had to go in and the spectators had to go into other room. 

"Go Serena, Rock the stage!" said Ash in a confident voice. 

"Since you're here. I Will!" said Serena. Dawn looked at Serena being so happy performing after so long made her happy too.

"Dawn , You'll Destroy the stage!" said Garry.

"Th..thank you Garry!" said Dawn while blushing a bit.

"We'll catch up with you guys after the Performance, we'll be in the audience cheering you guys up!" said Clemont. Bonnie nodded in agreement with her elder brother.

The duo goes inside to get ready , while the other made their way to the seats. They were lucky to get a seat right in the middle where the contestant can see them easily. 

The Event started and a lot of acts passed before Serena and Dawn's act.

"Our Next Participant is Serena!" Says the announcer.

Soon Serena appears on the stage in a wonderful blue dress. The audience members awes in her beauty. She starts her performance seamlessly and executes all her moves perfectly. She looks in the middle of stadium where ash is and smiles looking at him and he smiles right back. After a few minutes Her performance has ended.

"That was one amazing performance, give it up for Serena everyone" says the commentator.

She heads back in.

"Now , our next contestant is Dawn!" Says the commentators.

Dawn comes out in a yellow dress , Garry is already in love with how cute Dawn was looking. She starts her performance which had unique style using Piplup then executes each command seamlessly. When her performance comes to an end, she looks at Garry before heading back in.

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