Chapter 2: Blue Nights

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Serena has just completed a performance in Hoenn and she starts walking to a nearby Pokemon center to get her Pokemons healed up and grab something to eat for herself aswell.

She is accompanied by Dawn and her Piplup in her Arms. They both hand out their pokeballs to Nurse Joy and goes into Cafeteria to grab something to eat.

"So Dawn, what are you thinking of doing in the next showcase?' asks Serena.

"Well I guess I'm gonna get a cute outfit for Piplup and try some new moves with Hydro cannon" Answers Dawn.

"Piplup!" Piplup cheers with his arms up

Both the girls are talking till they look out the window and stare at the stars. The stars reminded both the young performers the time when they used to travel with Ash as the same constellation appears in the clear blue sky.

"You know Serena, this constellation reminds me of my journey in Hoenn with some friends some years ago" says Dawn

"NO WAY, i was thinking the same" exclaims Serena.

"Yeah, there was this boy I used to travel with. For first few weeks I had a crush on him but later I grew more of a brother-sister relationship with him as he clearly didn't wanted a relationship" says Dawn

"Dawn, you seem to be stealing words out of my mouth today, well I had someone like that but in my case I still have a crush on him, he used to be my travelling companion in Kalos and before I left for Hoenn , I kissed him on his lips" says a blushing Serena.

"Damn girl, you're brave" says Dawn

"The problem is, I've haven't talked to him since then and i never got any reply on how he felt after he got kissed" Says Serena.

"Oh, dont worry that day will come soon" says Dawn

"I hope" says Serena sighing off.

They look out the window but Suddenly a dragonite is seen chasing after a little girl.
The dragonite seems to be having its eyes glowing in red from anger.

They both runs out to rescue the girl. The girl ends up running in a park while running from the dragonite. Dragonite fires a solar beam towards the girl, she stands there in defeat ready to get hit by the solar beam. Suddenly she feels an arm wrapped around her before the attacks hits her and she sees a girl jumping out the way of solar beam while holding her.

"Piplup , water cannon" a voice comes from behind.

The penguin pokemon fires a water cannon towards the dragonite who gets knocked back a bit. The trainer then joins Serena and the little girl.

"Piplup , water gun again" commands Dawn.

This time though, the water gun gets cut off by dragon claw and dragonite fires another solar beam at the group sending them flying back.

Dragonite then starts to fire another Solar beam at the group who stands there and can't move due to fear. Then a voice comes from behind,"luxray signal beam" Serena identified the voice and turns around to see Clemont and Bonnie standing there.
Luxray fires an Signal at dragonite which hits and causes a explosion. When the smoke from explosion clearls , Dragonite still is flying and it's eyes glows more red in anger.

"I think it just got even more angrier Big bro" says Bonnie while horror in her eyes

Dragonite fires a solar beam at Luxray and upon impact luxray is sent flying at the group. When it lands it is fainted.

Dragonite starts to fire another solar beam. Clemont stands in front of Bonnie to protect her. The solar beam comes rushing towards the group. The group close their eyes waiting for impact. A few moments later they open their eyes to see A lucario standing in front of them stopping the attack with just one hand while it glows blue.," Lucario Use Shadow ball" a voice comes from behind the group. They immediately recognizes the voice and turn towards the voice. They see two figures walking towards them , one of them being Ash and other being Garry.

"Lucario , use Aura Sphere on his head" commands Ash. Lucario Does as instructed, the sphere lands right between dragonite's eyes before causing a explosion. When the smoke clears the dragonite is seen flying away.

"Hello guy...." Ash is about to finish his sentence but is tackled into a hug by Serena. Ash felt like the discomfort he was feeling is vanished. He returns the hug fondly.

Then he is again tackled into a hug by Dawn before they do their signature high five.

Serena is shocked to see that Dawn knows Ash, ash is then tackled by bonnie who jumps on him giving him an hug before giving Pikachu a tight squeeze too.

"Ash?! What are you doing here?" Serena Exclaims.

"Well , Serena I won the Alola league championship and now I didn't knew what to do so I just thought of visiting old friends instead" says Ash.

Serena wraps her hands around Ash once more burring her head in his chest. Ash felt wetness on his shirt , he looks down to see Serena crying.

"I missed you a lot Ash" she says

"I missed you too , Serena" says Ash.

"Ahem ahem if you two love birds are done" says Bonnie. Ash and Serena quickly separates blushing hard.

Dawn is shocked , as the boy they both were talking about just happen to come out of nowhere and protect them.

"Master, The dragonite is coming back" says Lucario

Everyone in the Group looks around but can't find the dragonite.

"He can sense it, now guys we should get shelter" says Ash.

They run to a nearby pokemon center and are sitting on 2 sofas with a giant table in middle. Ash , Serena , Bonnie sat on one side of the sofa and Gary , Dawn and Clemont on the other side.

They discuss their journeys together. When dawn starts everyone except ash is shocked to hear what all happened and the encounters with legendaries. Serena starts getting a get Jealous and upset while hearing the story as it looked like Ash had a great time with her. Ash notices this, he puts his hand onto her hands while still looking at Dawn. Serena looks down to see the movement on her hands and sees Ash resting his hand their. She is shocked looking down and red blush take over her face. Bonnie notices the blush and just smiles at it

"So Serena how was your Journey in Kalos like?" Asked Dawn.

" jour..." she stumbled before taking a deep breath. She interlocked her and Ash's fingers before beginning.

"So my Journey, how do i put this. I wasn't really sure if i was ever gonna go on a journey at first, but later that day i saw Ash on the news. I instantly recognized him as the same guy who helped me in the summer camp when we were little kids. I instantly knew i had to meet him again, as we both had promised to meet again when we were a bit older. At first Ash didn't recognize me but overtime after i showed him the handkerchief he remembered me. Clemont , Bonnie , Me and Ash went through a lot of fun adventures that i wouldn't have experienced if it wasnt for them" she says with a little blush on her face. It was clear in her story her main focus was Ash.

Then it was Garry's turn who explained the rivalry between him and Ash before. The group chatted for a while unless Bonnie was in half dreaming state. Clemont took her to their room. All others went in their rooms respectively to sleep from a tiring day they had today.    

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