PART 2- Questions

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Ed awoke to a burning sun in his eyes. He lifted his hand to shield his eyes but the shadow of his hand never came.

Ed looked over to his right and his eyes widened. His automail was completely gone, leaving only a few wires and screws. His first thought was that Winry was going to kill him. His second thought was that he was a dead man without his alchemy.

"Dammit!" Edward tried sitting up but did not prevail.

Suddenly sinister laughter pierced through the air. The silhouette of a tall muscular person came within his line of view.

"How ya doing, fullmetal pipsqueak?" 

Ed recognized the voice immediately and suddenly it all made sense.

"Envy! What are you doing here? Did you do this to me?"

"HA! You should see your face! You look so helpless!" Envy snickered with delight, hand to his face. 

"Where's my automail?"

"Shh..." Envy leaned over Ed's face putting a finger to his lips. "Now's not the time to ask stupid questions." He put his face close to Ed's, staring into his eyes.

Edward's eyes widened.

Envy gave a teasing smile and licked his lips slowly. He stood up. "Hm. What should I do with you Elric?" 

Edward trembled, not really sure what to do. There was no way for him to escape now that his automail was gone.

The only words he could make out was "Are you...going to kill me?"

Envy blinked. "Hmph. You humans are always so concerned about yourselves. No Elric... not today." He leaned against a palm tree, thinking. "I don't have time to mess around with you right now. I have more important things to do."

"You're just going to leave me here?"

"That's kinda the point."

Edward groaned sitting up. He noticed a giant bruise on his left side. That explained why he was in so much pain.

Envy was gone. 

"What? Where did he go?" Edward felt just a slight twinge of disappointment that he wasn't there. "Envy?" He called out hoping he had just turned into a palm tree or something.

No response.

Now Edward had to figure out what he was going to do about his automail. After managing to get up, Edward walked around trying to find his missing arm. He gave up when the sun started to set and returned to his place on the beach.

After managing to snag a rabbit, Edward ate thoughtfully, trying to think of possible reasons of why Envy could be on the island. Probably doing Father's dirty work.

Ed decided he would search for Envy the next day. He had to get some answers. About the homunculi, Father; "And about Hohenheim." Ed added silently. "That bastard."

Edward looked up at the stars. What was Envy doing here? And what exactly did he mean when he said he had important things to do?

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