12. Give Me Coffee And No One Gets Hurt

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Chapter 12

Give Me Coffee And No One Gets Hurt

All eight of us were gathered around the small table in the sitting room of our hotel room.  Brielle was sitting on the couch with Addy on her lap, feeding her her bottle, though she was starting to fall asleep from all the excitement of the day. 

Dad was, just like always, armed with his laptop in front of him.  He had the ten transcript pages that had printed off on the table beside him, spread out in order for all of us to read over them at our own pace whenever we actually did start reading them.  We were only looking at the set of pictures that had printed off with it. 

It was of a place that we’d never been to before: the Ravana Phadi cave in India, which was a rock-cut temple devoted to Shiva.  I remembered learning about it when I was studying Indian culture in college.  How it could relate to the Watergate Scandal, I had no clue.

“I think we’d better read everything to get a better sense of why we’ve got these pictures,” Dad said, reaching for the first of the papers. 

Since I was sitting beside him, he handed the page to me next.  And one after another, everything started getting a little bit confusing.  Most of what President Nixon and his counsel, John Dean, had said before the tapes actually cut off was at the beginning.  But when there was a little side note saying that it was where the tape had been stopped, the conversation turned into a totally different direction.

Dean:  Mr. President, you do realize that this is going to ruin your presidency, don’t you?  Keeping a secret like this from the public.

Nixon:  I was the one to sign up for this, so yes, I do realize.  I realize that I’m going to have to resign, that my legacy will be forever tainted, but I’m going to live with that.  Just as long as this secret is safe. 

Dean:  Very well. 

Nixon:  No one knows that the employees, as well as the DNC [Democratic National Committee], actually know what was going on?  That they were exchanging this information with us to keep it safe?

Dean:  No, sir.  No one but a handful of people who you picked to know just what was going on. 

Nixon:  Now, this information we received.  You’re positive it is substantial?  The Fraternitatem Tempus seal is present? 

Dean:  Yes, it’s there. 

Nixon:  And we’re positive that this isn’t some hoax? 

Dean:  No, it’s not.

Reading through the next few pages, it was only talking about the cover-up and how it was going to work.  There was no more mention of the Ravana Phadi cave or the Fraternitatem Tempus seal.  Just where this seal was, I didn’t know. 

“So it’s this,” Ben said as he reached for one of the other pictures that printed out with everything else.  It was of a barely noticeable, carved into what looked like the stairs inside the temple.  

The Fraternitatem Tempus seal.

“Looks like there’s going to be something hidden in this temple,” Dad said, looking over the pictures again.  

I sighed and leaned back against the couch.  “That’s great.  Now we’re going to dig something up in a religious temple?  And how do we know it’ll actually help us?”

“Because the clues always help us,” Max said from beside me.  “They always do, don’t they?”

***Ugh, I know!  That was awful and short and absolutely horrible!  But hey, I knew it was going to be a boring and awful and short and absolutely horrible chapter.  I really need to learn to write part of these before I have to go to class and then the rest when I get home...  Hm, there's a thought...  :) 

Like I said before, these next 4 or 5 chapters (the ones I upload in November) are going to be on the short, crappy side because NaNoWriMo starts in 2 DAYS!!!1  I swear, I'm so pumped for this!  If I stick to my plan for my book I'm writing  (I changed the name to When the Sun Sets because I liked it better), it's going to have around 140,000 words.  Crazy, right?  The longest book I've written was a little over 130,000 words and that took me almost three months.  I'm going to need LOTS of coffee!

Anywho!  See you guys next Monday!  :D

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