Chapter 9: Periods and Heartbreak

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*** Summer crushes can be magical but what if your crush doesn't like you back?  Marisol had been struggling with how to let her crush Daniel know just how she feels.  But, after Daniel confirmed he didn't like that other girl, Marisol was ready do something she had never done before - tell her crush exactly how she felt.  Will he have the same feelings?  And what if Susie was right - was the love triangle about to implode?  Keep reading to find out! ***

  Will he have the same feelings?  And what if Susie was right - was the love triangle about to implode?  Keep reading to find out! ***

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Current Mood: "That's the Way Love Goes'" by Janet Jackson

"Like a moth to a flame
Burned by the fire
My love is blind
Can't you see my desire?
That's the way love goes
That's the way love goes

Marisol's POV

It was finally Friday! I woke up feeling light as air knowing Daniel didn't like that Danielle girl and my heart raced when I thought about my plans for the day. Nothing was going to ruin my day; not even getting my period.  

Being on your period at day camp was complicated and mostly annoying.  There were times when we were out and about for hours without access to bathrooms and it made me super paranoid about having an embarrassing stain or leak that everyone would see.  I was discreet about keeping my pads in my bag (my Mom would never buy us tampons - you don't need those bolados, she would say) but I secretly wished I had tampons instead.  

My Mami was old school and had never used tampons, so she thought they were unnecessary.  I, on the other hand, felt like a prisoner on land when I was on it.  See, my Mami had grown-up in El Salvador during the seventies and just didn't understand that here in the U.S., all of the girls wore tampons so they could do normal stuff, like go swimming or do gymnastics.  But no, not us.  In our house, we were all pads, all the time.  And it sucked.  

I checked my backside in the mirror before we left for the Y that morning and was glad I owned a pair of red shorts.  Red was a safe color to wear today and besides, they were cute and showed off my legs and today was definitely a day I wanted to feel cute.  I wasn't sure what I was going to say to Daniel, I was just going to try and be more obvious about the way I felt about him.  I would try to work out the details on the car ride to the Y.

I didn't get a chance to tell Susana my plan because Papi was the one who drove us in the mornings, and there was no way I was going to talk about boys around him.  So instead, I fidgeted with my lip gloss and tried to tame my hair.  Every time I pictured Daniel's sparkly, brown eyes and killer smile, my stomach did flips.  I wondered if he would notice anything different about me today?

When we finally arrived at the Y, my sister and I walked into the gym and Brandy and Lisa (I had finally learned both of their names) practically knocked us over, stopping right in front of us.

"Daniel is going out with Danielle!" Brandy practically screamed in Susie's face.  She immediately shot me a look.

I didn't know what to do.  The news felt like a punch directly in my gut and my head spun.  My stomach had been doing happy, nervous flips during the car ride here and now, I felt like my heart had fallen into that same stomach.  And it was drowning.

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