I will find out and kill you myself.

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We entered the house through a door on the side. It led into a mud room with shoes neatly lined up on the sides. I followed Oliver though a glass door into what seemed like the kitchen.
    "Oliver? Is that you?" A woman dressed in a purple pencil skirt and white blouse tapped her way down the stairs that lead into a common area.
   "Wait here" Oliver said as he left me standing in the kitchen. I heard whispers and a shocked gasp of air. The only word I could make out was "never heard of...thousands of years...some girl...crazy
...black...Ben." After a couple of minutes the tall slender woman walked in without Oliver.
"Milo is it?" She did wait for me to answer "I heard many things about you. Some of which I'm not sure if I believe"
"I don't understand. Who are you and where's Oliver?" I wasn't scared or worried.
"My name is Anne. I sent Oliver to the other room so we can have a little chat" Anne had an accent as well. Maybe she was Oliver's mother, but she definitely didn't look a day over 28.
"About what?" I asked casually
"Our history and possibly your history"
My history? We just met!
"Anne Oliver's using my practice time" Roman from school just walked in" oh hey Milo" I gave a short wave
"Let's go somewhere more private to talk. Roman tell Oliver I said to help scout with he homework " she gave him a look and he walked out quickly. She follow him out of the kitchen and up the stairs(I had no choice but to follow). Next to the base of the stairs was a heavy oak door with pictures of warriors and flowers carved into it. We walked up the winding staircase right Into a library. This room was the tallest in the house with book cases reaching all the was up which had to be at least 30 feet up. There was one long maroon couch and three brown arms chairs. Anne sat down on the first chair and I calmly sat in the one directly beside it. I studied the room. There was one long dark oak desk along the far wall. On the wall next to the stairs was another heavy oak door(anything wood seemed to be made from heavy oak) with original looking candle holders. Anne cleared her throat.
"I'm just going to get straight to the point. If you are working for Benjamin or anyone plotting against us I will find out and kill you myself. Is that clear?"
Her heart stayed steady. So did mine. I wasn't scared bu the threat though I felt as if I should.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just a friend of Oliver"
"That's the thing. Oliver doesn't make friends." She leaned forward. She was thought I was suspicious but under all of the calm she was scared of me. Why. I don't know.
"You're scared of me. Of Benjamin." I blurted out. I don't know why but I did. That got her heart to speed up.
"What did you just say?" She stood up and looked at me as if I just blew my nose with my hands. "Get out. Get out of my house." Gladly but as I stood up I felt the familiar pain and clutched my head. I tried not to fall but failed and landed on the thick oriental rug. Blue exploded into my vision and a voice filled my ears. It was a mans and he was laughing but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Just when I thought I was going to be shredded atom to atom life switched from blue to black and everything when silent.

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