Is your name Camelle

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⚠️CAUTION SENSITIVE TOPICS(includes self harm)⚠️

A car alarm went off in the far distance and I flinched as I stumbled out my back door with a the first aid kit in hand. With each step I took the sounds grew louder. My head pounded harder.The colors grew brighter. I squeezed my eyes shut and paced to the edge of the trees. Using memory I made my way to a little clearing with a rusty swing set in the centre about twenty trees in. I opened my eyes just a slight bit to see the colors were still there. I opened the box and withdrew a box cutter and gauze. Rolling up my sleeve I exposed my pale wrist and without thinking twice I dug the blade deep under my skin. Pain seared through my body and the colors slowly faded away. I heard a cough and shot my head up. Leaning on the shifty frame of the swings was a boy about my age. He wore a cocky grin as if he caught me doing something, anything other then cutting my self. Yellow. Bright cheery yellow softened the edges of my vision.
"What do you want" I asked awkwardly wrapping gauze around my blood stained wrist.
"Can't resist a damsel in distress"he said in a heavy English accent the smirk still on his face
"I'm not in distress" I finished wrapping and shoved it into the box along with the bloody box cutter. I turned to him
   "And I'm not a damsel either." I glared at him and cocked an eyebrow.
   "I won't snitch. I was just here to find some one. Is your name camelle?"
   "No" I gave him a look and started walking bad to my house. I had to get cleaned up before my dad saw.
   "What is your name"he said chasing after me. I ignored him and kept walking but he caught up to me fast and studied me while I walked.
   "Milo" he said suddenly stopping. I turned around to find him looking at me with wonder dancing behind his perfect face.
"Who told you my name?" The yellow distracted me from my stalker.
"I- no one I just-I guessed"
"Sure ok" I rolled my eyes and continued walking.
"I'm Oliver"
I ignored him. Oliver.
"If you find camelle tell her I'm looking for her" he yelled as I finally reached the concrete island that was my porch. I looked back to see if he had followed but he was gone. Vanished. Disappeared.

We Were LostOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz