Now's not the time to be emotional

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"Milo thank goodness" my mom said as she adjusted my baby brother on her lap. I walked down the stairs to the living room "we were just discussing your birthday trip"
"What about it?
"Rachel and her family are going out of town and we can't reschedule the bed and breakfast " she paused "I'm sorry baby, maybe you can find someone else to take?" My birthday is in almost two weeks and it's at the end of the school year. I had planned on taking my best friend to Miami to stay at a bed and breakfast and go to the beach. Guess not now.
"Ok. I'll find someone" I didn't have to see my mom to know she was staring at me, studying me, trying to see when I'd crack. I wasn't going to crack. As if planned the door bell rang and I shot up to answer it. Standing on the steps was a model of a girl. Tall, thin but curvy in the right places, blonde the whole package, her only flaw was the rest bi*ch face. Orange swirled around her at sharp beautiful edges. I think my brain broke.
As I was about to speak my parents came up behind me.
"Come in!" Dad said whilst moving me out of the way. My brothers started crowding into the entry way along with my mom. "Every one this is camelle she'll be living with us for the next few month because of college"he said with enthusiasm. Camelle? Like Oliver's camelle? I'm really losing it now I thought to myself
   "Since when do we take in stray college kids?" Ashton asked. He's the third oldest and also the most spoiled. Caleb, the oldest, smacked his arm and gave him a look. He's my favorite, not that I chose a favorite.
"We just told the college last month. But we're glad you're here camelle" mom gestured to me to get her bags "Milo can you help her get settled in the guest room?" That wasn't a question that was a demand. I smiled tightly to the girl and picked up her suitcase and heaved it through the living room and into the guest room.
"What's your major?" I tried to make small talk
"I don't know yet. I'm only a sophomore so I have a year or so to decide"she answered with a posh accent. What was with today and beautiful brutish people.
"I should unpack"She said putting an end to my awkward small talk then she turned away to unpack. When I turned to leave music started to blast from behind me. It stopped as soon as it started but I still saw the colors. The walls swirled with a deep purples and blues it started spot with pain blasts of light. Now's not the time to be emotional.
   "Milo?" Someone said my name as so clumsily paced to my room. The pain dulled and I opened my eyes. That's when I got an idea. My mind filled with yellow. I planned to go to the swing set when everyone is asleep. Caleb burst into my room with a worried face, and as soon as I saw him the yellow in my head faded into green and I assured him I was fine I just needed sleep.

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