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The doctors said I have a rare condition called Synesthesia. Its where you hear a song or a beat and you see colors or patterns you also associate color with numbers, letters, names etc.. Its supposed to be a beautiful thing for anyone who has it but not me. Instead of seeing patterns or gentle swirls of color when I hear music, I see painful blasts and flashes or color. Loud music or anything with a beat(like a car alarm) triggers my noise synesthesia the association part isn't bad at all. That's the only peaceful thing I get. The pain in my head gets so bad I have to feel something else. Some other pain. When I was little it would be pinching or biting. Then In 5th grade I slammed a rock on my hand or invoked the cat. Now I cut. I'm not normal. Some how I heal fast. Really fast. I'd cut one day and there would be no trace of it the next day. The doctor called it rapid wound healing. Oliver's name looks yellow. Just saying.

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