||~Chapter ~18||

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I picked up my cell phone and called Emma to make sure I could still drop off savannah
"Hey Emma"

"Alex you sound exhausted"

"Thank you, I am" I placed my hand on my face "Emma can I still bring sav over for a few hours? I need to go to the station"

"Of course"

"Thank you I'll be 15?"

"Sure, hey Alex" I stopped


"She's coming back, she loves you both so much she wouldn't of done what my mom did I know that"  I sympathise with Emma; she will make an amazing mother one day

"I know Emma, thank you" I hung up the phone and started driving.
*call ended*

I placed savannah into her seat and dropped her off at Dylan's and Emma's after I made my way down to the station

"Hey Jenny, where are they?" I asked approaching the front desk

"Down in the conference room" she said looking up from her papers

"Thank you" I said about to leave

"hey Alex?" Jenny said sadly

"Yes?" I asked confusingly

"I'm sorry for your loss" I looked at her in disbelief


"You don't know?" She said

"No, know what Jenny?"

"Oh god I'm so sorry I thought you knew, they found Norma's body this morning, I'm really sorry"

I looked at her and starred for a second, I said nothing and stormed off storming into the conference room with 6 other officers sat there "what the fuck is going on!?, where the fuck is my wife and why aren't you all out there looking for her!"

"Alex sit down" an officer stood up grabbing my arm

"No I will not sit down until someone explains to me where my fucking wife is" I pushed him off me

"Sit down and I'll explain" I sat down at the end of the table, everyone's eyes where on me "so?" I said angrily.

"Alex, I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but Norma Bates body was found near a cliff edge on park bay"

"What, stop lying she's fine"

"She sustained severe head injuries and she was found half dressed, I'm terribly sorry" I went numb, I didn't know how to feel

"How did she die? What killed her?" I asked, I needed to know.

"Suffocation....again I'm terribly sorry Romero"

"I want to see her, now" I said angrily

"Okay, follow Me"
I walked down the hall way to a room where they wheeled in the body "are you ready" they asked "yes I'm ready " I took a deep breath and looked up as they took the blanket off her face as I looked down I couldn't believe it, it wasn't her "it's not her"

"What? Alex we've tested her DNA and it's a match with Norma"

"Well your wrong it's not her! Test again!"

"Listen Alex,I know your sad right now and distraught but this is your wife, I'm sorry,I'll leave you alone with her for a second"

I looked down at the body, the more I stared the more it looked like Norma a tear left my eye "I'm so so so sorry I let this happen to you, I promise I'll find who did this, and I promise to be the best father I can possibly be to savannah" the tears where streaming more heavily I grabbed ahold of her cold pale hand, I traced my finger over her wedding rings as I did so a police officer came into the room,  I kissed her head for the finale time "I love you" I whispered as I placed the white blanket over her face gently.

Goodbye Norma.

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