||~Chapter 3~||

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The next morning was summers first day at school

Summer woke to the sound of dishes clanking down stairs,
She tiptoed down the steps and walked into the kitchen

"Morning kiddo you ready for your first day at a new school?"
Alex says happily while handing her a plate of pancakes

"I guess" she replies anxiously

"It going to be okay .....pine high is a grate school with amazing people" he squeezes her shoulder while drinking his cup of coffee

"I totally forgot your a sheriff" she picks up his badge and stairs at her reflection through the shiny gold plate

"Well I'm sheriff Romero" Alex says while giggling to himself

"Is Norma up.....mom I mean?...I was hoping she would take me in today.....for my first day...to get me registered and all?" She looks down at her happy pancakes and begins to eat them

"Sorry kid Norma woke up feeling a little sick this morning....so I'm gunna take you in"

he was sitting on the other side of the table flicking through his news paper...he suddenly looks up and sees the panic on summers face
"Everything okay?" Alex closes his news paper and moves his chair a little closer

Summer puts down her fork and gets up
"Yeah I'm fine ....I'm gunna go get ready....I'll meet you out in the car"

She walks out of the kitchen up the stairs and into her bedroom
She gets changed into ripped jeans and a pink t shirt, she grabs her backpack and heads out her bedroom door , but she stops , she hears Norma
She walks over to her door and taps lightly
"Norma?...mom?" She asks in her light and innocent voice
There was no answer, she began to walk down the stairs, suddenly the door opened widely, Norma walked out into the hall way.

"Hey hunny what's up" Norma asks while doing up her long blue robe

"I just wanted some advise" she walks up the steps close to Norma's door

"Advise for what?" Norma is now looking a little confused

"Well it's my first day at school and so I wanted to know.....how....to make friends?"
She glances down at the floor once again feeling a little embarrassed

"Oh my god ....I'm so sorry sweetie...it's your first day ....I totally forgot ....wait here and I'll get dressed" Norma rushed strait back into her bedroom and into the wardrobe.

"Mom seriously it's okay dad is going to take me.....he told me you weren't feeling well"
She walks into Norma's bedroom slowly and sits on the bed

"It's just a little morning sickness that's all , I get it all the time.....I'll get changed then I'll take you .....okay?"
Norma cups  summers head into her palms and wipes her hair from her face, she then gently kisses her forehead

"Okay" Summer says while smiling ,She walks out the room and down the steps out the door and into Alex's car

"Hey Dad, moms up and said she would take me in today?"

"She's feeling better?"

"From what I saw ....yeah?"

"Okay ....Have a grate first day"
Alex leans over and kisses her cheek

"Thanks dad....Alex" she jumps out the car and watches Alex drive away and before she knows it norma is walking down the steps in her little blue and yellow dress with navy heels her purse,coat and summers school bag

"Let's go" Norma says while placing summers bag in the car ,

Summer jumps in the car then Norma suddenly realises that she hadn't checked on the motel
"I'll be right back...stay here" Norma runs into the motel to see Emma sitting at the desk going through some paper work
"Emma......oh my god.....you scared me" Norma leaned against the door with her head now in her palms

"Sorry Norma...I've got all this signed and ready to go ...do you want me to drive into town and send them off?" Emma says while handing Norma a pile of paperwork

"No no no no emma I'll take them"
Norma places the paper into her purse

"Are you sure?" Emma asks while watching Norma put them in her bag

"Yes I'm sure...I've got to go ...take care emma" Norma begins to storm out of the office and emma follows

"Norma?!" Emma stops

"Yeah" Norma turns around and stares at Emma

"Do you still like me?"
Norma runs up to Emma and hugs her tightly

"Of course I do.....I'm just a little busy that's all....but that doesn't mean I don't like you" Norma pulls back her head
"I'm super proud of you Emma ...your having my grandchild...your apart of my family."

Emma looks up and smiles
"Thank you Norma"

"Your welcome...now go do what you do best." Norma says waiting for Emma to answer the question

"Manage the desk" Emma replies with a little giggle

Norma waves emma back into the office and jumps in the car starts the engine and begins to drive

"Was everything okay back there?" Summer asks convincingly

"Everything's fine .... pregnancy can do a lot of stuff to a woman" Norma says while laughing to her self

The rest of the car journey was quiet and once they arrived to the school summer seemed to be shaking
"Hey ...it's going to be okay" Norma says while grabbing her hand

"What if I don't make any friends??!!"
Summer answers

"You will ......come on let's go inside" Norma grabs summers back pack and begins to walk in past, all the whining children and into the giant building
"Hello yeah my daughter summer parkinson is starting at your school today"
Norma grabs summer and pulls her towards the front desk

"Right this way ma'am"
the woman at the desk seemed to look down at Norma but Norma wasn't having it
"Can I help you?" Norma says angrily

"What sorry" the woman at the desk seemed a little surprised and carried on walking

"Yeah that's what I thought" Norma says in a low voice

"The principal will see you now"
Norma walks in and places her self in the chair

"Mrs Romero your daughter will be safe with us" the principal says while shaking Norma's hand

"Actually I'm mrs Bates" she says firmly shaking his hand back

"Sorry.......well we just need you to sign here" Norma takes ahold of the pen and begins to sign the forms "...........and here...........and here.......oh just your signature there.......thank you miss bates

"Your welcome" she turns to summer holding her hands tightly "Well I'll pick you up later ....you
will be fine" Norma reassures summer and hugs her gently

"I'll see you later" summer says letting go of Norma's hand and walking with the principle to her first period,

Norma walks back to her car and looks down at her cell phone to see that she has 3 missed calls from Alex so she calls him back
*the phone rings*

"Hey miss Romero" answers Alex

"Hey I'm miss bates to you,  what's up?" Norma says quickly

"Am I not allowed to phone my wife?" Asks Alex

"Yeah...of course....sorry it's been a stressful morning that's all" Norma said while brushing her fingers through her hair

"I know that's why I want you to meet me at my house at 12" alex says

"Ohhhhhhh some adult time?........how much I love the sound of that I'm really not in the mood...sorry hun maybe another time" Norma says in a sarcastic voice

"Norma I wasn't talking about sex you idiot" Alex says while giggling

"Ohhhh okay"

"Just meet me at 12 okay....I love you" Alex says while hanging up

"I love you too"

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