||~ Chapter - 11 ~||

300 16 6

4 years later


alexs alarm clock buzzed as he groaned over wrapping his arms around norma

"Daddy" a young whisper pounced in his ear "dadddddy" alex turned over quickly

"Huhhh?....Hey vann whats up"

"Im hungry" savannah said moaningly

"Cant you go and wake up your sister.....its a saturday" he said grabbing ahold of her platt and twirling it around


"Its okay mommys up, lets go get breakfast" norma walked over to savannah picking her up

She walled down the stairs undoing the saftey gate "what do you want for breakfast baby?"

A little smirk appeard on savannahs face as norma placed her on the floor
"Lucky charms"

"Uuwwww" norma said pulling a face at her "here you go" she placed the pink bowl infront of savannah as norma carried her up into her chair

The phone rang "you eat that all up im just gunna answer the phone" norma went and answered the phone
"Hello norma bates speaking"

"Hello ma'am its julia from the adoption center?"

"Ohhhh hai julia, nice to hear from you again, what can i do for you"

"Where just a little confused about the child you adopted from us you see we where running through files and summer doesn't seem to have documents" normas face dropped as she tunred to see what savannah was up to

"What do you mean"

"It means summer was never with us" norma began breathing heavier

"Yes she was...summer, she has blonde curly hair blue eyes, and she wore a white dress......uhhh with uhhh, a ribbion i think and shes 20 years old"

"The Summer from our fertility has brown hair, green eyes, and shes 10"

"Then who did i pick up?" norma went into hyperventilation as she panicked

"We will email you a photo of her right now"

"Okay hold on"
Norma ran into the living room grabbing the laptop and logging into her emails, opening the photo, the girl looked nothing like "summer"
"That girl......looks nothing like summer........im sending you a photo of her right now"

Silence broke as the woman recived the email "Miss Bates that isn't summer"

"I'm coming over to the centre right away"
the phone died as norma placed it back on the rack

"Mommy whats the matter?"

"Nothing baby.......mommys okay.......come on where gunna get dressed" norma grabbed savannahs hand and began running up the stairs
"Put this on" she said as she rumbled through the draws, norma did up her shoes and ran into her bedroom , placing on a 60s style dress with a pink bow, brushing her hair through with a comb and putting on some sandles

"Hunnie" norma said leaning down over alex

"Huhu?" he said rolling over to face her

"Im going to the supermarket.....im gunna take savannah"

"Okay" norma began to walk off "hey come here" alex said pulling norma towards him kissing her, "i love you"

"I love you too"

Norma walked out the door closing it behind her picking up savannah and walking down the steps quietly

"Mom" summers voice came from behind norma, she froze

"Hey .....morning, where just going to the supermarket" savannah began doing funny faces at summer as she did the same

"Okay.....hey mom...Can i go out, ill only be an hour or two?"

"Sure see u later" norma walked down the rest of the stairs slowly , trying not to make a scene

She grabbed her coat wrapping her self and savannah in jackets , then they headed out the door, norma unlocked the car pushing savannah inside
"Get into your seat" norma did up her little buckle and got into her side

"Where are we going mommy"

"Just to see mommys friend"

"Can we get snow cones?"

"Maybe later" norma concentrated as she drove stable but fast,

"Can we put on the radio?"

"No baby mommy needs to concentrate"

Savannah began singing loudly

"Sorry" she frowned directly at norma

"No im sorry" she placed her hand into Savannah's
"Mommy's just a little stressed"

Savannah reached over and touched her moms hand "don't worry mommy"

Norma looked over and smiled at her "I'm not worried baby" she cupped her face as she carried on looking at the road

As they arrived at the adoption centre Norma looked up at the review mirror and applied a thin layer of lipstick

"I want some" savannah said looking over at her mother.

"Baby you're too young for lipstick.....besides you're beautiful without it" she smiled over at Savannah

"Hmm ok" she frowned a little

"Come here you can have a little bit" she placed on the tiniest speck of gloss coating her tiny lips
They both laughed together
"I love you so much" Norma hugged her tightly.
"Let's go" Norma got out the car grabbing savannah as she jamp out

Norma walked into the orphanage and headed towards the reception, not letting savannah out of her site. "Hai I'm Norma Bates here to talk to sister Mary"

"Norma batessss.... oh yes here you are, if you can-"

"I'll take it from here" sister Mary cut across drastically "follow me"
Norma followed after rushing a little picking savannah up.

"Sister Mary I really need to start understanding all this" Norma said rushing behind her

"Take a seat"

Norma nealed down and whispered to savannah "go play over in the colouring station ok I won't be long" she kissed her cheek and hurried savannah along

"Norma I've never in my 25 years of working here seen a case as such as yours" Norma looked shocked

"What do you mean....sister I'm confused and need answers"

"She has no file.....which means she never went to this orphanage" sister Mary put down her hand onto the desk

"so who is she?"

"I wish I could answer that but I'm just as clueless....all I know is that she isn't summer" normas faced dropped as she looked over to savannah

"Well what do I do!"

"Tell you're husband.....find information, find out who she really is"

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