||~chapter 17~||

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*3 days earlier*

Norma woke up around 2.30am, she couldn't sleep, she was over thinking about everything and how she was fed up of being afraid of going back to her own home, she got up , got dressed and took Alex's keys from the side table. She kissed him on the cheek and whispered "I love you" she walked into savannah's room and kissed her cheek repeating the same exact words. She Walked down the stairs trying not to make a sound, that didn't stop the creaky floor  boards of course.

As soon as she got to the bottom floor she walked down the long hall way to the kitchen grabbing her purse filling it with the essentials trying not to make a sound, she grabbed a torch from the right side of the cabinet, and continued to look through the drawers until she came across a photo of Alex and his mother, She smiled and placed the photo on the counter.

Grabbing everything she needed she made her way to Alex's truck, she closed the front door tightly, and drove away.

Once she got to the Bates motel, it was almost too still, maybe summer wasn't there anymore and  Norma could have her motel back , she opened the side compartment to Alex's truck, too her surprise there was a gun in there a  loaded gun, she grabbed it and stuck it in her pocket, she proceeded the walk up slowly towards the front porch, grabbing her keys from her pocket, she unlocked the door and walked in.

it was pitch black, luckily she brought a torch, she walked slowly down the hallway she headed for the kitchen, after looking around she decided it was a bad idea and so she walked towards the front door
It    Was    Closed   
Norma left it open
wideeeee open.

"fuck" Norma said grabbing the gun out of her pocket, Dylan had taught her how to use a gun a few weeks prior, at least she knew to take the safety off "hello? Is anyone there?" She shouted , she ran to the front door noticing it was locked, she kept trying and trying, shaking the door handle, she placed her hand in her pocket shaking, looking for the keys.

"Arghhhhhh" a voice screamed from behind her knocking Norma over the head with a brick. She was unconscious.
"Oh no, look at that Norma you've made a mess silly" The person leant down and picked up the gun from Norma's palm. "Don't you look peaceful" the person was wearing a mask and a full black outfit, it had gloves on, so whoever this was, they where smart.

It dragged her body through to the kitchen, leaving a trail of Norma's blood behind her "nice job" summer said to the person wearing the mask "now go clean up the blood, we need to move her before sunrise" summer rolled her body over, pushing her blood soaked hair away from her face, checking her pulse "oh no Norma you have a weak life line" she chuckled summer grabbed the blanket from her bag and placed it on the floor rolling Norma onto it, "how does it feel to be hopeless?" She covered her in the blanket.


"Norma, Savannah is shouting you" Alex said half asleep but there was no answer "Norma?" He said again half asleep "Norma?" He said more awake rolling over to see if she was awake .

When he did so he noticed she wasn't there, he walked into his old room picking up savannah

"Where's mamma" sav said disappointingly

"I think she's down stairs, let's go look" they made there way down stairs "Norma you down here?" To his surprise she wasn't

"Where's mommy?"

"I don't know" she looked worried "don't worry baby she's probably just out getting groceries, what do you want for breakfast?"

She was thinking hard "hmmmmm happy pancakes" Alex laughed a little

"Happy pancakes?"

"Yeah mommy makes them for me and they always look happy" she smiled

"Okay I'll get baking on the pancakes but while I cook why don't you go and watch some telly? I'll shout you when they are ready" he patted her head

"Okay daddy" she walked off making her way into the living room

Alex made his way over to the house phone dialling Norma's number into the key pad.
The phone rang....and rang...and rang...and rang


"Hey this is Norma Bates, I can't get to the phone right now,I'm probably busy with the kids or at the reception desk, please leave a message and I might get back to you"


Alex hung up the phone "where is she?" He looked out the window and realised his truck wasn't there "what the fuck" he opened the door and ran out, "what the fuck"

"Daddy don't say bad words"

"Sorry baby"  he got out his phone and dialled Dylan's number "Dylan it's Alex? Have you seen your mother?......yeah I haven't seen her today so I was wondering if she stopped by your place? ..... Actually can you come and get us? She took my truck and I need to check out the motel.....thank you I'll see you soon" he hung up the phone.

Dylan was kind enough to look after savannah, so Alex made his way to the motel.

Once he arrived he realised his truck was on the drive, with the keys on the front seat, but still no Norma, he locked up the truck and made his way up to the house, as he opened the door he realised it wasn't locked "Norma?" He shouted "Norma are you here?" He walked to the kitchen looking around. something didn't feel right and Alex knew it, he spotted a a red splatter on the floor,he leant down on his knees and touched it...it...was...blood...he fell over in shock, got up and stood back in disbelief.

He reached into his pocket and dialled 911 "I need to report a missing person please....umm she's my wife" he said with tears rolling down his eyes "Norma, Norma Bates" he cleaned up his face pulling himself together "yes The motel on pine view road, thank you" he hung up and walked outside "Norma please be okay"

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