-Instant Messenger-

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-Instant Messenger-

Liam just sighed on

Liam: Hey anyone there?

Niall: Thank god, i've been waiting for someone to come online for ages

Liam: niall :)

Niall: Thank god thats all over right?

Liam:Yeah, that was some christmas. What are you doing for new years?

Niall: Eating of course, you?

Liam: Sleeping :D

Niall: um... let's have a contest to see who's more menacing

Liam: I'm wringing my hands and laughing in a baritone


Liam: last night I snuck into your room and stole your covers and I gave your dog rabies

Niall: It already had that, plus a few more...sucks to be you

Liam: and I ate the last pringle and left the can

Niall: How could you! I fed your cat to a hippo

Liam: that poor hippo... you evil...

Niall: I finished your chocolate

Liam: what's happening?!

Niall: i'm not sure

Liam: If we team up, our evil will be 20% awesomer

Niall: that is true

Liam: fine, I'll take the Southern Hemisphere

Niall: alright... Deal

Liam: and Hawaii

Niall: nope. don't make me steal one of every sock you own...

Liam: wait... that already happened

Niall: oh yeah,my bad, i'll take the other hald and leave you with one pair of hole filled socks

Liam: I will get Hawaii

Niall: well I've taken over the moon too...

Liam: lies

Niall: just saying



Liam: roger that, want to join in?

Niall: I'll stick to your chocolate...

Liam: haha it was carab

Niall: Ewwwwwww

Liam: That's what you get for stealing a man's alleged chocolate... You get punched right in the expectations


Liam: I still love it. suffering taste so good

Niall You'll be suffering and then i'll set my canibals on to you... mwuhahahaha

Liam: oho the most dangerous game...well, aside from playing polo while riding bears

Niall: the most dangerous game is playing water polo on a hybrid unicorn when you can't swim... yup

Liam: I have a chef knife but no soul...thats dangerous

You: I've got a cricket bat and i'm not affraid to use it!

Liam: I think it'd be cool to have two souls

Niall: I'm now training my dinosaur to eat your souls

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