Chapter 10

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Bia P.O.V

I haven't seen, nor heard, or spoke to August, Amina and Trey in 2 months. I could care less about them low down dirty bitches. August tried to get in contact with me but since he bet Trey... Ugh they can both drop dead. The love I have for him is still there, but unfortunately I hold grudges. I want nothing to do with August. Only part I want of him is this baby. Which he won't be seeing until the baby is old enough to go find August himself. That's that.

I sit down on the examining bed and lay back. My doctor comes in smiling. Damn this is a good looking doctor, he looks young too, then again he could be in his late twenties or early thirties. This doctor Mason has been flirting with me for weeks now, and yes i've been flirting back. Tall and handsome with hazel eyes. Damn he's just damn.

He takes my vitals and asks me a few questions. He hooks up the ultrasound machine and we start looking at the baby. He plays me the heartbeat and I get teary eyed.

"Unfortunately we can't tell what it is yet. But I'm guessing its a boy." He says.

"Every time we do this you always say boy. What makes you so sure that its a boy?" I ask him.

"Well because in all my years of this job I have only delivered boys. And its crazy because I only have all girls." He says laughing.

"Wow, how many girls you talking?" I ask as I sit up and clean the jelly from off of me.

"3 girls." He says writing on my chart.

"Oh that's including your wife?" I slide that question in there.

"My wife actually died 2 years ago in that pile up with the drunk truck driver." He says staring at the paper.

"Oh my I am so sorry Mason. I didn't mean to... Maybe I should go. Thank you for the check up." I say as I pull down my shirt and grab my purse.

"You know, I haven't really felt like I had anything to live for.. Your mom was a great friend of mines. I used to go see her every Sunday. I uh... I know its against the rules but would you like to have dinner with me?" He askes.

"I uh..." I pause and contemplate. After I just asked him about his wife and made him upset and then he knew my mom I can't just say no. "I would love too."

"Ok good. That's great that great. Now I got some good news and bad news." He says writing then looking up at me.

"Um tell me the good news first.." I say worried.

"Ok good news is you can leave... Bad news is after we take your blood." He says with a smile.

"Don't smile at me, you know I hate needles Mason. Or should I say Doctor Pick A tick. " I bust out laughing.

"Oh you got jokes I see. Just for that I'm going to get Beatrice to take your blood." He says getting up.

"Oh hell no that heavy handed hairy moled, Frankenstein, Chewbacca Alieninated horse faced, wicked witch of burnt Oz. Scaring off all the lions mutated ass bitch. Mason if she touch me ima knock her beautiful!" I say.

"Oh jeez, Zenobia stop I can't take it." He starts dying and holding his stomach. "Please ok I will take the blood." He says wiping his tears. "Shit my stomach hurt."

"Oh you better take the blood." I say laughing a little.

He walks over to me and stands in front of me. "You are an amazing woman love. You shouldn't be wasting your time on these boys." He says.

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