Chapter 8

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Bia P.O.V

      Its been 3 & 1/2 weeks since August and I had sex. The other day he made it clear that I was his woman and he was done with all the side chicks when he through his phone in the water. And I'm not talking about a pool, or sink, or tub, I mean the ocean. Which means he let his phone wash away. Which is very very stupid because now he has no way to text or call me when he's not in my house.

     For the past two weeks its like he moved into my house. He hasn't left and showers here. We've been wrapped in each others arms and my blankets every night. Most nights he would leave once I fall asleep to avoid Nyala and my grandma, but slowly he's caring less and less about getting caught. He's staying later, and in the morning he leaves later.

"I knew it!!" Nyala shouts walking into my room. "I fucking new it. Zenobia after what just happened between you and Justin? You're gonna really trust an unknown City Boy?!!!" 

"Woah Nyala calm that shit down." August says still laying down behind me.

"Who the fuck you talking to, obviously its not me because i wasn't talking to you!!" she shouts at him then looks at me. "Are ya fucking Bia?"

"That's none of your business guh, now please leave, she has a headache and an upset stomach, she don't need to be bothered" He says.

"Again was i talking to you nigga? Dammit Bia control your City boy please!" 

I sit up. "Thats enough Nyala!!!! He just said i had a headache and I'm feeling sick, and remember you left the town so you're just as much as a City kid as him. So shut the fuck up and stop fucking yelling. It's none of your business if I'm fucking my man or not, so walk out, fix your fucking attitude and tone then walk back in and apologize. Or you can get the fuck out my house!" August grips my waist.

"Bia are you being serious right now? You gonna choose him over your own friend? The girl who stuck by you through everything?" she says as she's about to cry.

"Yeah but remember Nyala you left. You left and when you found out about my mother you just sent me a card. A Card?? What the fuck was a card supposed to do Nyala?" I get up and walk to my dresser and open my draw. "You wanna know how I felt and still feel about your card??" with tears rolling down my eyes I pull a ripped I'm sorry card out my draw and fling it at her. "My mother cared for you, even though she was crazy, she still made sure you was ok, and all she is to you is an I'm sorry for your loss card?!!?? What the FUCK is that Nyala?" I say as i try and fight back my tears. "I bet your dumbass ain't even go see her huh??"

"Zenobia... I'm .. I'm sorry I just..." She starts crying. "Your mother was like a mother to me but at the end of the day she wasn't my mother, she wasn't the lady who pushed me out!!"

"Yeah because that lady fucking left you with your dad and we all know what he was about!!" I shout to her.

"Zenobia don't do that... Don't go there." She says wiping her eyes.

"Oh yeah that's right, you don't like talking about your dad, but guess who was there when he was doing what he did. My fucking mother!! Get the fuck out my house!!" I say as I start throwing stuff at her. "Get out!! Go leave!!"

August grabs me and wraps his arms around me. She runs out my room packs her stuff and leaves. I start feeling sick so I quickly run to the bathroom and throw up. August runs in behind me and rubs my back.

"Baby maybe you should go to the doctor. You probably got food poisoning." He says as I finish and rinse out my mouth with Listerine and flush the toilet.

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