Chapter 26: Personal Bubble Foul

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Raven was never going to let him live down the noise coming from his room. They rode to work with Raven grunting and making creaking bed sounds. She would scream out, "I fucking love you" followed by, "unnnnnngh". The first time, Kale was embarrassed. The fifth time, he laughed a little. By the time they reached work; he considered putting the dirty sock he saw in her floorboard, right in her mouth. Wait. Why was there just one sock? And a man's sock at that.

"Ray, oh my god, shut up!"

"Ungh, uh, yeah. Ohhh fuck, uh-huh. Yeah, yeah."

"I'm going to shove this sock down your throat."

"Yeahyeahyeah, ohhhh, mmmmm."

Kale reached in the floorboard and grabbed the sock. As soon as he was heading for her mouth, Raven stopped her teasing and said, "I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

Kale gave her a 'what the fuck' look and Raven laughed.

"Me and Jeremy didn't have any protection. He went home with one sock. You figure it out."

A sock went flying and Kale let out a long 'gross!' What. The. Hell! "Raven, that's disgusting!" Her maniacle laughter rattled the windows.

"Oh please, Mr. Fuck My Ass Harder, disgusting is listening to the three of you going at it all frickin night long. I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life." She faked a shudder and started to get out of the car. An evil grin spread across her face and she mocked his declearation of love. This time, her hands were free and able to mimick some pretty raunchy air humps while pretending she was grabbing onto hips. "!"

That was it, foregin jizz or not, Kale shoved the sock in her mouth and flew out of the car like his ass was on fire. Raven was right behind him, partially threatening his life and partially making fun of him. Dear Lord, please don't let her do this all day.

Kale's plea apparently fell on deaf ears. Their day at work wasn't any different than the car ride. Any time Raven was near, she would mock Kale's begging pleas to cum. Kale spent most of the day beet red and trying his best to avoid her. What Raven didn't know was that, in the moments in between, he would relive those pleas in his mind. Relive their mushy goodbye filled with kisses and 'I love you's' being tossed around. He was interuppted mid daydream by Raven. Her face was pale and her eyes were huge. Kale tried to ask her what was wrong, but she pushed him through the store. When they reached the office she shoved him inside.

"What the hell, Raven?"

"Shut up, Kale. Jason's here. Don't come out until I come to get you."

He simply nodded and sat down. Raven snuck out, barely opening the door and then leaving. What was Jason doing there? He hated Bishop's. Said it was a pointless store when Best Buy and Barnes and Noble were right around the corner. He had no reason to be there. Sitting alone in the office was boring. Especially when he was so curious what was going on.

Kale stood up and went to the door, pressing his ear against the fake wood, and listening to the sounds on the other side. It was light and muffled, but he heard Raven and Jason bickering.

"Where is he? I know he's here."

"Oh for the love of god, just leave before I have to call the cops on your ass again."

"Tell me where Kale is. He's not at home, not at his parents, so I know he's here."

"Eww, stalker much? Go away, you're crazy might rub off."

"Bitch, you're already crazy."

Kale could hear Raven's laughter. It vibrated the door and tickled his ear.

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