Chapter 32- Baby, Be Still

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**Real quick before you start reading, the next few chapters have caused me a lot of grief and have been the source of my block. Sadly, I can't change what happens, I tried, but it messed with the story. So... Advanced apology now. Sorry and please don't hate me. >_

Audrey looked up from her spot at the table, Reegan and Aiden stood next to each other, hands held tightly, staring at the sliding glass doors Kale had disappeared through. Guilt ate away at her, if Kale and his parents wound up fighting it would all be her fault. When she had called Rita, she had figured that Kale had already told her about his relationship with Aiden and Reegan and had invited them to the cookout. Rita's stony silence on the other end of the line, proved her wrong. Apparently Kale hadn't told her about anything and hadn't been calling or visiting. She had slipped up when Rita asked where the gathering was taking place.

"This is all my fault. I am so sorry," she spoke to Aiden and Reegan with remorse in her voice. "I didn't think they would be upset with him."

Aiden turned to look at her, worry and concern evident in his eyes. "It's not your fault, Audrey. I should have made sure he was talking to them. Even if he had to keep us a secret. He shouldn't have to be dealing with this."

Reegan couldn't speak, her mind was in torment. Her poor, sweet, little Synie was alone in a room with two people he adored and by their body language before they had left, that adoration was going to be desecrated. His parents had looked at him with such scorn, it broke her heart to think of what might be happening or what might be said while they were talking.

"Audrey, how were you supposed to know that they wouldn't be happy for their son?" Mick stood behind his wife with his hands rubbing her shoulders. "They've always been so proud of him, you didn't think this would be any different."

"I know, Mick, but did you see the look in their eyes? God, I fucked up."

Everyone outside threw out consolations to her, no one blamed her for the shit storm that was about to break loose.


Kale sat facing his parents, waiting for one of them to speak. He was beating himself up for not ever giving his parents a second thought. Why? Why didn't he at least call them once in a while to let them know how he was?

John was the first to speak, his tone borderlined on hostile, "We know that you were dating a guy. A male! Do you know how shocked I was when your mother told me that you not only dated a guy, but he also knocked you around enough for you to have to get a protective order?"

Pain shot through his heart. Regret for his decision overwhelming his thoughts. "Sorry," he said while focusing his attention on the carpet.

"Sorry doesn't make up for what you've done to us."

Kale's head popped up and he looked at his mother. What he did to them? What exactly had he done besides keeping his sexual preferences private, like he thought they should be?

"Not only did you date some guy, but now you're living with people half your age and according to Audrey, dating them both. Do you not realize how morally wrong that is? How disgusted I am to know our son is a deviant?"

Got it, love is immoral. Fan-fucking-tabulous.

"Well, son? What have you got to say?"

Absolutely nothing. It's not worth the wasted breath on defending himself, or his immoral feelings.

"They're not half my age. Aiden's thirty-nine and Reegan's thirty-two. The biggest gap is... Okay so Aiden is old enough to be my dad if he reproduced at eighteen."

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