Chapter 18: And The Truth Comes Out

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Aiden was angry. That, Reegan had to be blind not to see. She had absolutely no clue what brought it on, but it was there. He held it in and abused the steering wheel as he guided the car down the empty streets.

She rubbed Kale's back and murmured soothing words in his ear. He laid across the seat and was totally still. Whether he was asleep or just zoned out, Reegan didn't know. He was quiet and seemed at peace. And she wasn't going to disturb him.

"Almost there, Synie, almost there," she whispered in his ear. She glanced up and looked out the front windshield as her and Aiden's house became closer and closer. Aiden pulled into the driveway and the automatic lights over the front door came on. He eased the car into park. One arm reached across the passenger seat and he looked at the two behind him. Kale was lifeless. It tore his heart seeing the bruise. By God, he was going to find out who did that to him and when he did...

He cleared his throat and spoke softly, "Ready to get him inside?"

Reegan just nodded. Her fingers twining in Kale's stiff hair stilled and she spoke quietly down to him.

"Kale, sweetie, we're here. Come on, get up so we can get you inside."

Kale's head moved up and down on her thigh. He let out a slow breath and lifted himself up. The light shining from the porch illuminated a house and a yard he had never seen before. The darkness surrounding the lit area sent a chill throughout him. Did he just step into some movie set? The house was perfect for the beginning of a 'slaughter the innocent victims' scene. He looked between the two people in the car with him. Reegan, staring down with an uneasy, concerned face. Aiden, quiet and controlled anger. Kale started his downward spiral again. What had he done to piss Aiden off? Was Reegan's look of concern because of what he did? He tried to think back. Tried to remember what had brought him there, to that exact moment. After seeing the two of them and then falling face first to the floor, it was a blur. The sound of a deep sigh pulled him back to reality. He watched as Aiden exited the car and walked around to his side. His body recoiled and shrank against Reegan.

"It's okay, just relax." Worry lit his eyes. How could she say relax? What was there to relax about? He listened as the door made a muted click and opened.

Aiden leaned inside and spoke as calmly as he could. "Come on, Kale. Let's go inside and get you a drink. Sound good?"


"You're going to be alright." Aiden held his hand out and made a 'come here' motion. Hesitation kept Kale in place. "Come on shorty, let's just go inside."

Reegan nudged his back and whispered words of encouragement. It was a losing battle. He was surrounded by stubborn people. A shaky hand rubbed through his hair and down his face. He grunted softly as he scooted out of the car.

Reegan got out and had walked to his side of the car by the time he got all the way out. His knees knocked together and he leaned against the car for support. Walking, yeah, that wasn't going to be happening any time soon.

A saddened voice spoke in his ear. The warmth dancing across his neck. "I can carry you inside if you want." Anger no longer evident in those eyes. It was replaced with a heartbreaking saddness. He was going to hate himself later. He really was. When he thought back to that moment when he wordlessly nodded his head, he would hate how weak he had appeared.

Strong, warm arms lifted him up and cradled him like the big baby he was. Two sets of steps rebounded off the house as they walked up the rest of the driveway and to the porch. Reegan patted his cheek and unlocked the door. The two walked side by side as Aiden carried Kale through the living room to the couch.

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