Chapter Six ~ Always a Gentleman {Emma Swan}

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"Who the hell are you," I hear myself say. I am aware to the fact that I am still in my apartment, but my mind is elsewhere.

Another realm, the other realm.

My other realm.

While drifting through memories I have been able to follow and observe the life of "the Savior."

The life of the princess Emma Swan.

But it can't be. I have lived in the sleepy little town of Storybrooke for ... well ... as long as I can remember. I can hear people banging on the door, launching me back into reality. The clouds cluttering my vision begin to fade as I slip back into consciousness.

As my eyes open I see my son, ,my Henry.

"Dad," I hear him whisper. The man, Hook I have taken to calling him, sighs as he pulls my son into a hug.

"Henry," he whispers just loud enough for me to hear. "We'll save her, she'll remember, we will be a family again."

"Get away from my son! You could be a crazy person, or a liar... or both."

"I prefer dashing rapscallion," he replies with a cocky smile. The hint of sarcasm in his voice intrigues me. But why? In the back of my mind there is a sense of recognition, of loss, of longing. When he first kissed me, I could not allow myself to pull away. As he gingerly placed his hand behind my head I could sense, I could feel, the want and desire practically radiating off of him. I could not help but think that there was something between us in the past, something from another life.

I cautiously placed my hand around around his waist and pulled him closer. I had no idea who he was, but maybe I could give him - us - a chance. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through his hair, that was when the visions began. A series of images raced through my mind. All focusing in on the lives of two people: a man and a woman, a pirate and a princess, a captain and a Savoir. The first full vision I received was of the separation of the the couple. When I reached forward and touched the woman, that's when the pain began.

I had overheard Henry talking about this sensation, a paradox, he called them. A painful occurrence where one touches a version of their past selves - a memory of themselves. But how can that woman, the Savoir, be me?This question has haunted me since I was first launched into the dreams.

Time could not be passing any slower. Time is recognized today as a strict progression from point A to point B, while in reality it is a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey... stuff. This could not be any more evident than it was while I was drifting through memories. Visions from the birth of a child transformed to visions of a first ball in a matter of seconds.

As I stared at Hook and my son, it was the first moment the visions had cleared since I was originally thrown into them.

"Mom!" Henry exclaimed while running over to me. I noticed that he still had his storybook tucked under his arm.

"Hey kid! Can I see that?" He nods as he slowly passed me the book. Hook was at the door, letting in the medical team.

"Killian!" Doctor Whale said. How can he possibly know Hook? "How's Emma? What happened?"

"She's fine, well, she is now. She just woke up."

"Be gentle with her, she does not remember yet."

"I'm just so glad I found her after all -." Hook was interrupted as Whale took a step closer to him and punched him across the face.

"Bloody hell, what was that for," Hook asked as he massaged his face. I could not help but snicker. I could see him glance over at me, rolling his eyes.

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