Chapter Sixteen

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"Trash things out now."

She tilted her head at me and flashed me a smirk that made my blood boil, but obviously I wasn't gonna show it. That would just mean I'm showing my weakness off to her. Would I want that? Oh, no. I shot her back a sickly sweet smile and crossed my arms over my chest.

If she's gonna attack me now, I hope she knows there's like a dozen cops out there, behind the door where we are. It would be the worst, and wrongest move ever. But, you know, either way she's gonna be arrested for being obsessive like Mariah Yeater, oh.

"So when are you gonna hand Justin to me?" She asked, her smile slowly fading, almost reflecting one of a hurt expression. I almost fell for it...until Justin's words floated around my mind. Do not trust whatever she says and looks...she's faking it.

I remained nonchalant. "I thought you had what you wanted. I thought you had Justin in your hands right now. Didn't you? You made me miserable. Isn't that enough? Or is it not? What more do you want?"

"No," she sent a chilly laugh my way, making my goosebumps rise but I didn't move. I leaned against the wall and stared at her, awaiting her other words, "you would think Justin would come to me. But, no. Only a fool would think that. You're a fool for thinking I'd fall into your stupid tricks!"

Um, was she expecting me to grow angry because she'd just called me a fool? Because it seems like, oops, I couldn't give a lesser flying fuck. I chewed on my nails, letting out an annoyed sigh. I couldn't stand her just as much as she couldn't my face.

Oh, wow, why did I even agree to this, hm?

"Look, Rae, I have no tricks or whatever the fuck you think I have on my sleeves. I don't love Justin, anymore. In fact, I hate him so you could have him for all I fucking care. You know, I really wouldn't hate to see." I shrugged my shoulders loosely, staring straight into her eyes.

"Don't fucking play games with me, Jacee Mallette, it's not fucking working anymore. You may think you're so smart, so sly, so quick but truth is, you're not," she reached her hand behind her, and I couldn't help feeling slightly afraid. If it's a knife, I'm so dying. If it's a gun, I'm also still dying.

Am I supposed to sacrifice my life for Justin, this time? Oh.

"You play mind games with Justin and you had him wrapped around your finger," her lips quivered as she spoke, and my mind couldn't help wondering about how amazing this scene would be in a movie. Ha, my imagination.

Fuck it, whatever shit I'm trying to use to distract myself isn't working! God damn it! 

"And you play mind games with me..." She pulled out a gun from behind her.


"Drop that gun," I said calmly, ignoring the fact that two of the police officers were climbing through the window quietly, their guns aiming right at Rae, "if you shoot'll go to hell for murdering. Oh, and you'll get arrested before you're hung so choose your path wisely, my dear Rae."

She positioned her finger before the trigger and I couldn't help but notice how hard her hand was trembling, "Shut the fuck up, bitch! What are your last words?"

"Look," I drew in a deep breath before letting it out, "drop your gun, or else." What she doesn't know is that I had a bigger gun than she did. Obviously I was playing punk. I begged the police officer for it to scare her. I reached for it and pulled it out, aiming it right at her, "don't force me, to, Rae."

"You wouldn't dare," she whispered, pulling on the trigger. AH, FUCK. I let out the fakest scream in the history before laughing out loud. Damn, this was nerves wreckingly fun.

I ducked the bullet, (THANKFULLY, OR ELSE I WOULD BE DEAD BY NOW) by taking a quick step to the side. Holy fuck, my heart nearly died from pumping so quickly. Dropping the guns in my hands, I quickly hid behind the two police officers, who in time, said, "Drop your gun and put your hands up!"

Well, it was an order. She had to drop it whether she was scared or not (she was so fucking scared, you should've seen her face, oh my fucking god, haha!) and put her hands up. Then she began sobbing like hell which made me laugh.

"Cuff her up," the officer before me ordered, I suppose he's the chief, before shoving his gun into the holder thing at his hip. He turned around and faced me with a smile on his face. I smiled back. "You're a very brave young lady."

"So I've been told," I smirked playfully, making the officer laugh. I grinned at him. "Thank you."

"Thank you for this. This girl has been causing trouble in bars and everywhere else. We had to catch her sooner or later, and this time with your help. So thank you, Ms. Mallette."

I lowered my gaze to the nametag hanging on his shirt, "No problem, Chief Dawson."

He jerked his chin towards me before giving me another smile as he left the room. The gun that I had dropped wasn't on the ground anymore, and I assumed it's because one of the officers had came in to take it. Totally intentionally, I dropped myself  down on my ass and closed my eyes, leaning against the wall.

God, that was so close.

Damn, I have to act less cooler now. Oh, shit. Now I know how difficult it is trying to be cool and staying cool at critical moments. Ah, geez. I think that made a huge impact on me. Oh, ho, ho.

"Jacee?" Justin's distinct voice was heard down the hallway. I let out a loud laugh before pretending to be dead.

Ha, I shall see what his reaction is. I dropped my hands to the side and closed my eyes. But I have no blood! Okay, I shall pretend to be unconscious. Woo, I'm such a smartass.

"Jacee! Where are you? Ja--holy fuck. Jacee!" Then I could feel his presence next to me. Shaking me, he went on calling me, "Jacee! Wake up! Oh my God, don't die on me, baby. Jacee!"

I couldn't help it anymore. I cracked up laughing as I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him close. Well, I wanted a kiss, and knowing he could read my mind, that's what he gave me. I grinned and pulled him closer. "It worked, baby!"

"I know," his chuckle sounded so deep and sexy that I couldn't think anymore further. He pulled me up to my feet, "and please, never do that again."

"I'm sorry," I laughed, "but never say never, okay. No promises."

"Jacee! I'm serious!"

"Okay, Mr. Party Pooper, I promise." I hid my face in the crook of his neck and took in his scent. How come he always smelt the same? Eh, oh well.

"Come on, the crew is waiting for us," he pulled back a little and pressed his lips on my forehead, reminding me how much I was loved. Have I ever mentioned how much I love him? No? Well, I love him forever. Even if I died.

Walking out of the room, Justin entwined our fingers together before we made our way down the stairs where everyone cheered as greetings when they saw us. 

"Okay, okay, so now that the best couple in history is down, let's raise our glasses," Scooter yelled over the commotion, causing everyone to yell again, in agreement. Justin pulled me closer to his side and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I took my glass of coke while Justin took his. The adults raised their wines and we raised ours, "To the success of today!" Fredo cheered.

"To Jacee's witty idea!"

"To the J couple!"

"And to the upcoming tour!"

"To the success of every music video!"

"To Bieber!"

"To everyone in this whole room now let's shut up and drink!" Ryan screamed, as expected, making everyone in the room laugh and cheer as we downed our drinks. I laughed.

Oh, well. The only thing left to look forward is, to the tour...and the drama.


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