Chapter Three

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For the rest of the night, I tried forgetting the fact that Justin actually heard me sing. I've never sang in front of anyone before, and it wasn't because I coudldn't sing; it was because I  didn't dare exposing my horrible voice. Just think about it...

Now that Justin's heard me sing and complimented my skills, if I actually ever had one... What do you think would happen next? If you know, good for you. But if you don't... Here's what he'll do; he'll most likely tell Scooter, Scooter will ask me to sing for him, then, Justin will tell him he wants to collaborate with me, and then in comes the next second, and I'll be dead.

I'm not gonna sing!

And I absolutely don't want anyone thinking that I'm some attention whore or fame-seeker; just imagine the magazines and newspapers headlines going, 'Justin Bieber's sister is a fame-seeker?'

Just what the hell do you actually think of that? Because I don't think it's the best idea. And I mean it like no other.

I propped my elbows onto my study table and stared out of the window, letting out a sigh every second that'd passed. Then I thought, maybe I should go and talk to Justin, whether or not he's gonna be doing that; just in case, to be safe.

I nodded to myself and stood up from my chair, my legs cramping from the stupid dance Justin forced me to do earlier, with him. Ugh, it was embarrassing. But, I couldn't deny that it wasn't fun. But that's not the point! I dragged my legs painfully to the door and walked out of it normally, so that Pattie or Justin wouldn't happen to see it.

I am a scaredy-cat at home, okay?! Don't blame me, I was brought up a nice kid by Pattie!

Since Justin's room was just exactly opposite mine, I decided I'd just knock and wait. So I lightly knocked, hoping that Pattie wouldn't hear; her room was right at the end, but still...

"Come in!" Justin yelled out at the other side of the door instantly, which made me feel like punching him because it was already two at night, and Pattie's definitely already gone to sleep!

I groaned to myself and opened the door, and as usual, there's a half naked Justin on his bed, playing his guitar, with so many papers on his bed and so many pens; he was writing some kind of song. Again. I promise you, this boy never rests. At all. He's gonna overexert his body one day, and I'll kill him worse.

"Look," I started, narrowing my eyes at him, "you didn't hear me sing, okay?"

"But, I kinda did," he responded, looking me like this wasn't anything at all, which had me narrowing my eyes deeper, "and it was nice!"

"Okay, even if you're gonna do it or not, I've read so many things of how this could grow, and based on your personality, I know you'll definitely tell Scooter, then after, every thing else happens. Look, I can't sing, okay. So let's just forget about this."

He frowned, amused, because there was a smile on his face. He lifted the guitar of his lap and placed it next to him on the floor, patting the empty space next to him. I hesitated, because there was gonna be the she-devil germs on it ― no, I am never getting over that ― but I went to sit anyway.

"To be honest," he started with that silly grin on his face, "I didn't actually think of that. I was planning something else, but now that you've mentioned it... Your idea seems better than mine."

Accidentally, a gasp left my mouth, and the next thing I know, I pounced on him. "Oh my God, no! That's like, a million times worse; no, just no!" It just wasn't fair! Why didn't I think of this?! God, I'm so stupid, ugh!

He cracked up as I continued trying to strangle him.

"You jerk!" I screamed, but instantly falling face first down to cover my mouth. Oh, shit. I shouldn't have yelled. Oh, no.

And then I remembered....

I was on top of Justin...literally. Oh, my fucking God. If that wasn't awkward enough. Okay, be normal. Don't let this get to you, it's not right. Who am I kidding, this felt so right. Ugh! I pushed myself up and stared at him, "Don't do it."

Something around my waist tightened as a corner of his mouth rose up to form a smirk, and I just couldn't help the fact that the speed of my heartbeat increased. By a lot. "And...what if I say no?"

I groaned, looking away ― anywhere is fine, just not anywhere before me. "It's unfair, dude. I can't sing, and I don't wanna sing in front of people."

"Look at me," he gently said, causing goosebumps to rise on the nape of my neck, and on my arms. I looked down to face him, "you don't know how incredible your voice is, okay? All you need is a little practise, and in no time, you'll be just like me."

"Justin," I frowned, "you don't get it, don't you?"

He raised his eyebrows, as if I'd just spoken the alien language, "What?"

"Even if I could sing, I don't want to. Even if I was capable of singing and becoming famous, I don't want to. I don't want anyone thinking that I became famous because of you. I just don't wanna be famous," I looked away, not daring to make any eye contact with him.

I've honestly, never felt so small in my life.


I looked down at him, "Because everything's gonna be stressful? Don't even think I don't know how other celebrity's younger siblings are always wanting fame, and attention, but not me. You won't have anyone younger than you, in this family, like that."

He cracked a grin and pulled me down, so that I was squished in him, again, that day, and gave me one of the longest, tightest hugs I've ever received from him. "You know I love you, right?"

"Ooo mhff ihh ahea ooo hait?" I mumbled, propping myself up to face him, my hands on his chest, supporting myself. I guess he didn't hear me, so I repeated myself. "You know I hate you, right?"

He let out a laugh, "Right. Okay, yeah. I love you too, baby. Sister."

I frowned internally, that felt weird. Him pausing between 'baby' and 'sister'. It felt really weird, but I don't even know why I don't feel awkwardness now.

I groaned again, "Let me go, I wanna sleep."

"Sleep with me?" He shot me a grin, which had me narrowing my eyes at him. Did he seriously just ask me that, or did he seriously just ask me that? Either way.

"I'll sleep here," I smiled, "without you. Go to room and sleep."

He shot me his best puppy dog face, and all I could do is, well, nothing. "Bieber, are you serious?"

"Duh, what do you expect? Sometimes it gets boring sleeping alone, you know," he said, letting out a yawn, "please? Just for tonight?"

"If mom finds out, she's killing you. Because this wasn't my idea at all. Wait," I ran out of his room to mine, switching of all electronics, before closing my room door and running back into his room, closing the door behind me. I quickly climbed into his bed and under his covers because I was desperate to feel his comfortable bed underneath my body; you know, it's totally unfair that his bed seems more comfortable than mine, even though it's of the same size and brand.

And I had to comment about his bed, "Your bed feels so comfortable."

"Because there's me on it," he rolled over, facing me. I didn't dare to turn over, too, so I remained lying on my back, facing the ceiling. But that didn't stop me from remembering the fact that he could be so freaking arrogant at times.

"Right, cocky ass."

"It's not being cocky, it's being very confident. Plus, I am always right."

"Why did I even agree to sleep here, oh my God. At least I didn't have to go through this before I slept, every night," I groaned yet again, causing the person next to me, laugh.

"Because you love me," he cockily responded, and I felt like punching him.

"No," I grounded my teeth. He ca be so irritating at times, gah, I feel like slapping him, "because I love your bed."

"Aw, that's so sad! You don't love me?"

"Nope," I answered, popping the 'P' of the word.

"You got guts, babe."

Did he just call me babe? Oh my Lord, something is wrong with me and him these days. Somehow it feels wrong... But I don't even know why it could feel so right, too.

"Go to sleep, Bieber," I closed my eyes and muttered under my breath as I felt myself drifting to sleep.




My eyes fluttered open the moment I felt my senses kicking in.

I let out a sigh of comfort and closed my eyes again, until I felt something warm behind me...and around me. Staying still in my position, and not moving my head, I looked down to find myself pulled in closely into Justin's chest.

This felt wrong, yet so right. I can't even explain the feeling of this. This is wrong, I know. But it's just too right to feel wrong.

I felt him shift a little behind me, and then let out a huge sigh, which meant he'd already woken up. I quickly closed my eyes, so that he wouldn't notice the fact that I was aware of our position.

But the thing is, why am I overreacting?

Something draped over my waist, pulling me even closer, but I didn't care anymore. I was still tired, and I'm going back to sleep again.

Though, it wasn't long before a knock on the door was heard, which also had Justin and I pulling away almost instantly. "Justin, get ready! Rae is here to visit you!"

"EW," I yelled in a whisper, sitting up groggily, fixing my hair at the same time. "God, what a comfortable bed."

There was a chuckle behind me, but I ignored it and pulled my shorts higher, pulling my blouse down a little to straighten it. I still feel like dying because the bed was just so damn comfortable. The thing was practically surreal!

I opened the door quietly and snuck out, but I actually did get caught; by Rae. I didn't even get to close the door, you know?

"What were you doing in Justin's bedroom?" Her voice was filled with disgust, and I made sure I closed the door without glancing over at Justin. That would be awkward, considering I was gonna start quarreling with his girlfriend.

But I was used to her anyway. "It's none of your business, okay? I just don't get why you get so jealous, fuck. And, will you please shut up? Before I spit puke on your face. Now, please G - T- F - O of my way." I just couldn't help being so bitchy.

She stood there, incredulous, and I felt like laughing. But instead, due to acting skills ― hell yeah! ― I walked past her, and into my room, making sure my shoulder brushed past hers to piss her off more.

After I entered my room, I closed my door behind me and locked it, just in case she decided to barge in to confront me or something; she just had to know that I won't be responsible for whatever injury she has. Don't say she hasn't been warned.

"Across the ocean, across the sea," I started singing, as I walked into the toilet to get my teeth brushed, "starting to forget the way you look at me now..."

Scrub, scrub, scrub. Gargle. Spit. Gargle. Spit. Check. Out.

That's how I do it. I walked out of the toilet and to my dressing table, taking the brush with me as I walked pass my study table. Standing in front of the mirror, I ran the brush down my hair a few times and placed it on the table, letting out a sigh.

I walked out of my room and closed my door, then I walked down the hallway, occassionally skipping a few steps. I don't even know why I felt so happy, but whatever.

"You know that I care for you, I'll always be there for you, promise that I'll stay right here," I walked down the steps, singing to myself, very softly, "I know that you want me to, baby, we can make it through, anything... 'Cause everything's gonna be alright..."

I sighed to myself and made my way into the kitchen; every day it was just so boring in the morning. "Good morning, mom."

"Good morning, sweetheart. Slept well?" She answered, turning to face me with a smile.


"Great," she giggled, pointing to the plate of pancakes on the table. "Yours."

I screamed. I literally screamed. Do you know how long it's been since I last had pancakes?! THREE DAYS.

Pattie giggled again. "Okay, calm down. And, we're going shopping later, alright?"


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