Chapter 6: My Own Game

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Chapter 6

*Alexa Shiffer*

The moment we left the school, I felt free. I didn't mind missing class for once as I only had math and home ec.

I was fine in those classes so I wasn't too bothered. Anyway, I really wasn't up for scraping the cafeteria walls of spaghetti and various other types of food that were hurled around the room.

I know I'd get an earful from my parents when I got back home. They were not the over protective type who never let their daughter go out or anything. They were pretty laid back compared to most parents.

For example, I was very lucky as Japera's parents were insanely strict towards her and almost never let her out of her sight.

I guess I could understand though. She was an only child, like me, but however, she once had a brother. He was 14 when he went out to a party with his friends. He mixed with the wrong people and a gang also turned up to that party.

Japera doesn't really talk about the incident much, but from what I know, he was shot by someone in the gang, being mistaken for someone else.

Well, that's what she was told. She was only 6 years old when it happened, so she can only tell me so much.

Her parents, you can tell, still grieve about their heart-shattering loss, so make sure that they protect their daughter from such risks that could do her any harm.

But they were really nice people. I mean, sure Japera would miss out on some things in her youth, but at least her parents cared for her and really loved her.

Anyway, I was usually late home so my parents were used to it, but when it came to my education, they took a bit more interest.

It may sound like they don't care about me from this, but I know they really do love me. It's just that I have never done anything outstandingly terrible before that has caused them not to trust me. Well, apart from the multiple detentions I had gotten myself in over my time at Baskville High.

I think they care so much about my education because they had great jobs. Note the had. Their jobs weren't very academic, which is what they say as an excuse now.

They don't regret being in the movie business, they just wish they were open to other options just in case it didn't go to plan. Which it didn't.

Unlike them, I had never been into drama and that. When I was younger and they still had their careers, they would tell me how amazing it was to direct films and meet famous actors and actresses.

Now though, they tried to keep me away from it. I glanced over to Jordan.

What did I want to be when I left college? I had no clue.

I had just realised that I had been sitting there silently for about ten minutes while Jordan was driving. I was tiredly staring out of the window but not really looking as to where we were headed to.

I noted a street sign as we cruised by. I knew the area I lived in pretty well, even though Tunnersly was a fairly large town. I worked out we weren't far from where I lived so still recognised where we were going so far. Jordan turned into another street as he flicked the radio on, breaking the silence.

It was midday so the sun was still out, burning my shoulders, the breeze from the movement of his car flicked the dark hair from my eyes, squinting at the sun. I just suddenly realised that I was so occupied in my thoughts that I didn't notice that the roof to Jordan's convertible had rolled down. That would explain the burning shoulders.

The radio was playing one of my currently favourite songs, although they changed quite frequently. I loved music and always had it on hand just in case I needed some inspiration or comfort. There was always the perfect song for the time and place.

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