Chapter 20: The Ugly Truth And Meeting The Mom

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This chapter is dedicated to HopelessRomantic8 for the amazing support and encouragement :)

Chapter 20: The Ugly Truth And Meeting The Mom

*Lucas Harrow*

"To get to the moo-vies."

Adriana scoffed and then broke into a laugh.

"That is the worst joke I have ever heard in my life, Lucas, and I've heard a lot of bad jokes before."

"Aw! I thought that was my best one!" I teased.

This was the first time I had driven Adriana to school. It was the best 15 minutes of my life. Okay, that sounds so cheesy, but what can I say? I'm a cheesy guy. I would have never thought that someone like Adriana would ever give someone like me a chance.

At first glance, one might think that we were polar opposites. I was quite shy, into sports and, like I've already said, a complete cheese. She was defiant, opinionated, totally into art and went to anger management classes against her will. Despite this, when you looked deeper into it, we had a lot of things in common. We both loved music and had the same beliefs on family and relationships. We both loved to have a laugh and were both dog people.

I had found out a lot more about her as well, on the ride to school but I knew that there was still probably so much more to know and I had only just scraped the surface.

If only I could spend all my time with Adriana. I knew I couldn't though, as long as Alexa was in the picture. My job wasn't done yet so I had to still stay close to her, even if it meant hurting Adriana.

Don't get me wrong, I loved spending time with Alexa. She was a great girl with a great personality. She was the reason why I wasn't a lonely newbie on the first day of school and also the reason why I had even met Adriana in the first place, which I could not thank her for enough.

The thing with Alexa was that I knew she didn't like me like that. She had a thing with Jordan, which made things considerably harder. I kept questioning why I was going through with this, but there was no point. I had given my word. And I only had 12 days to get it done.

Somewhere between talking to Adriana and being deep in thought, Alexa and Jordan had arrived in his car. Great, that was supposed to be my job not his. So what if he was her boyfriend? I needed to keep on track to make sure that they didn't get too close.

I glanced over at Adriana. How was I supposed to pretend that I didn't have feelings for her? To make it worse, she was Alexa's best friend and the last thing I wanted to do was break up their friendship. Man, this was so hard.

One minute it was just me and Adriana, the next, Natalie had appeared next to us without us even noticing that she had approached. She seemed to do that a lot.

"Hey, you guys! Lucas? How comes you're not with Alexa? You letting Jordan get in the way of your crush, huh?" She winked.

I noticed Adriana turn to stare at me but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. My feelings would be written in my eyes and I didn't want to hurt her.

"I can spend my time with more than one girl can't I?" I said, evading the question. Adriana must have noticed.

"Lucas, if you like her, just tell her, or I will. I don't want to get in the way," Adriana said, trying to mask her emotions, but it was a known fact that she wasn't very good at hiding them.

I didn't know what to say. I knew that if I tried to express myself, it would only come out wrong. I wasn't very good with my words. My silence was enough for Adriana and she left me standing there without another word. I didn't know what to do. Everything I did would be wrong. I wished that I could tell Adriana everything, but I couldn't. I couldn't tell anyone.

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