Chapter 5: Where To?

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Chapter 5

*Jordan Simpson*

As if on cue, the school turned to look at us animatedly like we were some kind of entertainment. I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes.

"What is it Jasmine?" I was really just bored and annoyed at her now, strangely not angry. She looked from me to Alexa expectantly, hands on hips, as if waiting for an explanation. When none came, she huffed and pouted her lips.

"So this is your new girlfriend," she hissed unexpectedly fierce.

"Why do you care?" I retorted, raising my eyebrow.

She smirked and narrowed her eyes before coming over to me and whispering in my ear.

"Because I'm going to get you back for what you did to me two years ago."

The words were barely audible but once they sank in, I knew she meant every word of them. She lingered there for a while, too long, her breathing icy on my neck. At first I was completely confused at what she was doing, but soon enough I realised just exactly what she was doing. Instinctively, I shoved her away from me, gaping at her, a tight smile planted on her face.

Alexa was incredibly easy to provoke, and I, out of anyone, should know that, so when I jerked my head to look at her and saw her expressionless face, I was pretty mystified. Furrowing my eyebrows, I turned to face Jasmine.

Her expression was no longer a smile, but suddenly a forced look of horror and hurt. Taking a deep breath and swivelling around to face the rest of the school, Jasmine clutched her stomach and began crying. Yes, of course it was fake, but she made it look so real. I know I didn't hurt her. It was a gentle push. What a bitch.

Okay, so now ruckus was erupting round the cafeteria, multiple glares aimed at me. Jasmine was still everyone's sweetheart, even after the years she had been gone. They didn't know what she was really like underneath her sugar coating.

"Jordan! What was that for?!" Seriously? She glanced down at her tray of salad. Yes, of course she was on a diet. I practically saw the light bulb come on above her head as she smirked and took a handful of it in her hand. Before I saw it coming, I felt the damp food slap into my face. Oh, she did not just do that. Whipping my head around, I lunged for the nearest table and grabbed some innocent girl's lunch, dumping it over Jasmine's perfect blond hair.

I smirked. Spaghetti Bolognese really went well with her brown leather jacket. I turned to see Alexa laughing in approval, along with the rest of her table, and the whole cafeteria.

*Alexa Shiffer*

Nice. I must admit. The way Jordan chucked that spaghetti over Jasmine's head, he had some nerve. Jordan flashed me a cheeky grin as he heard me laughing behind him. However, it was short lived. The cafeteria was reduced to silence with one of Jasmine's icy glares. I could almost feel the emotions building up inside her.

In one swift movement, she clenched a handful of pasta from one of her butt-kisser's trays, and hurled it at my face. Okay. This was war.

I lunged at Adriana's tray and shoved a clump of mashed potato slap-bang in the middle of Jasmine's horrified face and made sure I rubbed it in real nice. I scraped the remains off my hands with satisfaction, whilst admiring my handy work. Jasmine looked a wreck, with her mascara smudged and her lipstick way off its target. Talk about cake face. You could literally see the foundation on the potato. Disgusting.

A small boy at the front of the cafeteria suddenly giggled and threw a pathetic handful of lettuce into the lap of a girl next to him. She glared at him. It was quite comical actually. Taking a handful of her own food, she went to return the gesture but the boy had already moved on. The handful planted onto the neck of another, different girl behind the spot where the boy was. Gradually, like a wave, the spread of food-throwing expanded until nearly the whole cafeteria was full of all types of food being hurled in every direction.

As for me, Jordan and Jasmine, we just stared, shocked at everybody. They all took this as something that was a bit of fun. Something that cheered up their Monday, but we were all fuming with anger. Correction, Jasmine was fuming with anger. Me and Jordan were laughing together hysterically.

"Jordan Simpson and Alexa Shiffer to the principal's office now." The loud speakers were barely heard over the commotion of the cafeteria. Jordan Simpson and Alexa Shiffer. That was something I would have to get used to for now. Now that I had agreed to it, whether it was real or not.

"Hey, lets get out of here," I heard Jordan whisper in my ear. I nodded and snickered as he took my hand in his and led me out of the cafeteria. I took a last look at the still on-going food fight before the doors closed behind us.

We ran out to the parking lot outside the school and up to a sleek black sports car. I hesitated as he stopped by the driver's door and motioned to me to get in next to him. Yes, I was one for adventure, but stealing someone's car and driving off to who knows where with an inexperienced driver, not so sure. Especially as it was Jordan. Anyone else maybe. But not Jordan.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him critically as he opened the driver's door. "Who's car is this?" He grinned simply at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Mine." He hopped into the pricey looking car and started up the ignition. "Now get in before I leave without you." I opened the passenger's door and leaned in.

"Can you even drive?" I shouted at him, louder than I needed to, above the soft purr of the car's engine.

"Of course I can, now get in," he ordered me, sounding annoyed. Excuse me. This was all new to me, I didn't know he could drive. Then a suspicious thought hit me. Why was he dropped off by his parents everyday like everyone else when he could easily drive himself. That was, if he wasn't lying of course.

I hesitated. "Come on Alexa." The way he said my name gave me shivers, not knowing if it was in a good or bad way. I eventually clambered into his car when I saw the principal striding out of the school doors.

"I thought you could have more fun than this," Jordan accused me as I sat down and buckled up. I didn't like it when someone underestimated me. It made it a thousand times more frustrating though, to have it coming from Jordan. I huffed devensively. I'll show you I can have some fun.

I didn't care anymore where we were going. I had something to prove to Mr. Know It All. I leaned out of the window and gave the principal the finger as we drove off.


Hey everyone, I accidently uploaded the wrong version of the chaprer, sorry :( this is the right version.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are generally liking this book so far. Please keep reading and maybe share with others if you think it is good? Thanks for reading :3 xxx

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