Pain and death :3

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Alfred had a really bad headache. Well he always had a headache since he was just the 13 colonies it was the price to pay for each colonies/states having their own government. His own government gave him pain as well. He just managed to grow use to having one but! Hurricanes suck, forest fires suck, earthquakes suck, being attacked hurts like hell. But today it was a flipping forest fire. It hurt and it made him bed bound that wasn't even the worst thing. A hurricane was forming close to Florida. Great and fault line was due to erupt. He closed his eyes as the forest fire raged on. No one has called to check on him. He felt like he was forgotten. His government was struggling with trying to get supplies for all of the events it might clasps. Was this the end he opened his eyes the great America might go down due to natural disasters. It made him frown as he turns to look out the window. He pushed him self up he felt a tingle go down his spine. He cursed under his breath as he fell back down pain roaring through his body as he closed his eyes tightly. His mind becoming muddy as he struggled to remember what was happening. Fire ..... earth? That didn't make sense. Black invaded his vision but he could faintly hear ringing of a phone before it all slipped away.

Ivan looks down at his phone watching as the call went to voice mail for the tenth time. Giving up he tossed his phone on his bed as he paced the room before garbing his phone and going to the world group chat

Russia : I can't get in contact with America
Canada : I'm trying to get him to answer my text but he hasn't yet he always replies.
England : what's happening in his nation then he might just be busy?
Russia: that's the problem
Canada: go on the I internet then I don't have time for this I'm going to his house he told me where it was.
Russia: keep in contact comrade
England: what is happening tell me
France: I just looked. A forest fire in Georgia, earthquake in California, and a hurricane forming near Florida.
Russia: yes that why we are worried
Germany: we should all try and get in contact with America or his boss
Russia: my boss is trying but has had no luck.
Canada: no airplanes are going to America their all shut down I will have to drive.
China: he will be fine?
Russia: no. He will not be fine I'm going to try and get a personal plane over there.

Russia texted his boss and quickly got his stuff ready before leaving and getting in his personal plane and watched people run around. They where in the air quickly the world chat was still going off.

Canada: they might not let you land but you can try and land ether way. Here's the address #######
Russia: I'm in the air and thank you Canada you should try driving.
Canada: I will

Russia looked up and watched the sky pass by

Alfred eyes lazily opens before closing in pain as he groans in pain as well

" your wake are you okay America?!?" He heard a voice say his mind wasn't working so he couldn't pin point the voice to a face or name. So he opened his eyes to see a face with almost white hair and his eyes a nice purple. The name blanked in his head but he knew he at least knows this person. He thought over what the man had said what was it again he couldn't recall it was something wake and okay.

" okay? " was all he managed to get put as he closed his eyes in pain again. He was hot so hot he felt like he was melting. He felt a very cold hand touch his face then pull away with a hiss.

" your burning up " he said softly with worry. Then he hears typing. Who is he .....America ...... Alfred. no that was himself who was the white haired man...... it looks like snow...... Canada....... no.... Canada was blond......Russia? That made more sense so he opened his eyes again and looked at Russia his mind trying to rake up the Russians human name.... Liam......dan...... John......bill......I ...... it began with a i ...... Isaac ..... Ian ...... it had a i and a in it...... Ivan ..... yeah that was it Ivan. Why was is brain moving so slow. ........ bad.......death a lot of deaths..... land shaking......earthquake a earthquake happened and still is but it's stopping slowly.......burning......melting trees.........forest........ forest fires. A forest fire and earthquake what else................. He can't remember ...... He could ask.......He forgot it again.........Ivan!

" Ivan what happened " he said its very sluggish sounding. Ivan looks down and blinks at the blue eyes that seemed to be way too dull for his liking.

" you got hit really bad " Ivan said putting the phone down and helping Alfred sit up as he saw him struggling to sit. " you should try and eat something but I can't leave you...... your brother is going to be here in a minute I don't know how long you been out for" Alfred just sluggishly nodded clearly out of it. Alfred looks up at Ivan.

What's happening too me it's like my......... my government somethings wrong. " my government........s....something is wrong" he said nearly passing out. Ivan grabs Alfred as he almost fell off of the bed. " they ....." he started before groaning in pain " they can't keep up with helping the citizens in need and their fighting " he managed to say. Ivan looks down at him in fear.

" will you be okay?" Alfred weakly laughs

" no I won't " Alfred groans before passing out. Ivan could only look down on a shell of a former country. Ivan looks up at the tv and it was turned on but on quiet he watched as the hurricane hit Florida and watched the damage. He heard a door slam open and foot steps going up the stairs but before they reached them Alfreds breathing stoped and his heart beat nonexistent. Ivan watched Alfreds body fade he had his arms around him they slumped when Alfred had completely faded. The door slammed open and their stood Canada who looked around then at Russia. Russia had his head leaned back against the wall not looking at Canada not wanting to say it. He reached for his phone and sent on the world chat

Hey Russia: the United States of America has faded due to natural disasters.

Canada looks down at the phone in his hands and starting to cry and fall to the floor.

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