Neko america x neko russia-1

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3rd person-

A dirty Tom walked down a ally his feet hurt from constantly walking. He had bright blue eyes.

America POV

I glanced up at the ally it's walls were bare of anything . I made my way to were I normally tried to sleep but I didn't feel like sleeping. I sat on the soft blanket my human left with me. It was all most 7 years ago that happened. I laid down and curled my tail around my body and nuzzled my nose under my tail as I tried to sleep. I closed my eyes hopefully when they opened the sun would be just rising. Unfortunately I'm not that lucky. A sound of a fight broke out close by. My eyes snapped open as I grumpily stood up and stalked towards the fight I could hear. I turn a corner as see two cats gathering a crowd of other cats watching them fight. The one clearly being attacked had a collar on it was white with a snowflake hanging off of it. The other was a cat I knew all too well he was a dainty stray called iggy. I sigh heavily and made my way towards the fight. Others watching quickly scramble out of my way as I quietly made my towards iggy. I stopped right behind iggy he clearly didn't hear me walking closer. I glanced over at the cat that seemed to be staring right at me with a worried look. He was a big cat with grayish fur with a white patch over his chest. Iggy was cream colored cat with ginger patches at the base of his tail and around one ear. They seemed to be fighting over a mouse that this kitty pet must of killed. Since I knew for a fact iggy refused to hunt. I took up the job of feeding those who couldn't feed them self. Iggy must of thought this cat would easily give up his prey. I swept a paw at iggy knocking him down. Iggy hissed in slight pain as he landed.

" HEY YOU BLOODY FOOL WHA...." he shut right up when he sall me glaring back at him. I huffed

" iggy you know the rules that the elders have in this area. You catch you eat it." I reminded him. And flash him a smile. The elders were a group of old cats that use to live a rough life in the streets before they all got together and made rules for all strays or wild cats who chose to live with out humans even kitty pets followed them. How ever this cat seemed new to the area. I and a few other helped in force their rules. I picked up the mouse and gave it back to the new cat.

" sorry friend for iggy " I gave him a small smile. And with a wave of my tail turn around had made my way towards the elders ally to inform them of the new cat. I stopped and picked up the mouse I had killed earlier for them and continued towards them. I around the corner to the ally and stopped by a fence that had a hole in it. I dropped the prey and meowed

" elders it's hero I'm coming in " I heard a faint noise sounding like it said come in. I picked up the prey .And i crouched under the fence and glance around. A golden tabby  with a clean coat looked at me. She raised me after my mother had passed away. I was grateful for the old cat.

" hello hero how's my perfect boy?!?" The old cat purred

" I'm fine momma " I replied with a purr as I dropped one of the mouse at her feet and continued down the line intel all the elders had food. I walked back to my adopted mother and sat down and told her about the new cat and after that I left. And made my way back home to my soft blanket. I laid my tired body down and felt my body slip into sleep.

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