Splitting up ?

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Alfred didn't really feel right ........ he wasn't going to split up oh right yeah he will it's football time the states were probably fighting about who will win that usually makes him split up. How could he forget? Wait there was a meeting soon .... oh god

Well the other are just fighting I'm more worried about how our we going to be able to do that meeting. I'm working on our slide and speech and watching them fight. I have on a big over size Georgia sweat shirt with a white tank top underneath. New York sat down next to me he had on a shirt with a quote on it from Hamilton. I didn't pay much attention to what it said. Some of the youngest states were also watching a few were actually joining in saying their team was the best. That all stopped when a knock sounded in the room the only sound left was me typing.

" well someone get the door " New York said from next to me on our shared phone. I rolled my eyes and pointed at Delaware

" you get it you're closer " I mumbled as I continued working. He sighs and run to the door and opened it slowly and blinked before letting the person in. Canada looks around at all 55 of us. He looked impressed

" I see you haven't torn up the place yet eh?" He smiled and turned to Delaware. Matthew sat down in a chair that was saved for him. " Georgia what you doing?" He asked curiously.

" working for that meeting " I said and glare at the other states . " THAT WE ALL HAVE TO GO TO." I said loudly the other 13 all jumped up and started running around getting stuff done. I smirked and continued Canada looks surprise but just sighs and watched the organize chaos in front of him.

A few weeks later was the was happening unfortunately we have to wait a month to be able to reform al. I now had on a nice pair of formal jeans with my Georgia sweat shirt and a red tank top underneath some of my older brothers were trying to convince the younger states to eat. My older sister North Carolina was helping me with getting the car packed. Sadly we were the only girls out of the thirteen colonies. Canada left to get the meeting place ready. It was in New York luckily we had a house in every state and we were in New Jersey so at least we where nearby. After the drive we dropped off our stuff and went to the meeting hall Canada was the only one their thank god. We all sit in the back talking to each other. Then Germany walked in he walked to his seat and looked up. Honestly I started laughing at him is face was the best look anyone can pull. Canada walked up and told Germany we were allowed in here then returned to his seat next to us. I get push forward and give my siblings a look.

" you made the speech and slide so it better you do it" Maryland said questioning herself. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Canada. He smiled at me and I smiled back as we waited for everyone. A seat moved next to me and I looked over and saw Dc sitting next to me. He looked up and smiled of course I smiled back at my younger brother. We talked quietly to each other. Eventually most everyone's here but Spain,England,France, Portugal. We got a lot of different looks it was hard for me not laugh at them. I hear shouting that isn't any of my siblings so I glanced over at the door to see the four missing countries. England is shouting at France who is also being yelled at by Portugal. Spain was chilling watching the others as he sat down in his chair. England plopped down the chair next to dc. Oh hell no I stand up grab dc and pull him up and sit him in my chair as I sit down next to England who still hasn't noticed but France and Portugal definitely did as they gave me curious looks and try and quiet him. I glanced back at New York " you gonna start the meeting?" We all agreed to pretend to be the people who represents our states for the government. So of course New York has to greet them he frowns and stands up and walked over to the head of the table. He glanced nervously at our oldest brother he only nodded in understanding.

" well I guess welcome to New York, I'm a state representative in Congress my name is Liam I of course am a rep for New York" he smiled at them all. They seemed confused of course not north or South America they knew what was happening Canada told them. " so hmmm let the world meeting for the country begin?" He said as he quickly walked back to his seat England was now looking at us. I rolled my eyes and stood up and took Liams spot

" sorry about Liam he doesn't do well with speaking in front of people he isn't use too. And yes we do know your country's " she said answering Germany questions before he could even finish raising his hand. " we are high up so we do know and we were asked to take Alfreds spot for this meeting." I said loudly to make sure everyone heard.

" okay I'm Georgia I rep for Georgia as well don't ask about my name because Georgia is a girl name!" I snapped before England could even up his mouth " I will be presenting for Alfred and my state as well. The government decided you knowing more about each state might be helpful insights of the American way " I quoted our boss sassily " I don't want to be here but I am " I sigh and grab the computer from Canada who was giving it to me I smiled and thanked him before setting it up.  I looked at my siblings as I see Alaska jump up and run to hide behind York. My eyes trailed over to Russia he was just staring at us since he walked in and noticed us. He looks at me and smiled

" you are lying aren't you " he finally said standing up eyeing all of us again as if we are a treasure chest that he couldn't wait to open. Which is very unsettling " you don't give off a human vibe your not human......." he smiled and looked at me again. " I know at least that Alaska is here in this room " he spun and looked at the others New York backs away nervously and pushed Alaska with the other youngest like  Hawaii and others. What was Alaska even doing at the front. I jump forward and hissed

" back off " I growl and step in front of the others grabbing dc as I was at and pushing him behind me. The other 13 stood up and joined me in glaring at Russia he stopped walking forward and smiled even more " yes Alaska is here but he isn't the only state " I shouted and looked at Canada and Mexico " could you please tell them as we leave because theirs no way I'm forcing Alaska to stay and deal with mister creepy " I huffed crossing my arm but said ouch as I got smacked on the back of the head

" great going gg you messed up everything we could have said something else " Delaware said calmly as he takes the lead and walking towards the door. The other states that aren't the other 12 left quickly. I picked Hawaii up and walk out of the building with the rest.

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