Hitman 2

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Alfred say in the house his hands clasped together as he leaned over himself his mind boiling at the moment over his former bosses trying to sell him to the mafia. He laughed he could only imagine the mafia getting pissed that they payed and didn't and wouldn't get him. He WASN'T A GODDAM TOOL he just wasn't even wouldn't let himself be used as a tool. It's been about a day and one hour since he had called mister Ivan he didn't expect him to be able to be there for another 10 hours or more.

So imagine the surprise he had when he hears cars. A lot of them. He gets up and grabs the bags and shoved them in the roof quickly pulling him self up as well. This house has hidden rooms only Alfred knew of them because this was his home once. His dad had built these house before he and his mother died. His brother had lived a couple of weeks before he disappeared. He shakes his head as he places the hidden door back down and waits putting the bags on the door to keep it held down. He sits and waits he hears people running and speaking in Italian.

"Dov'è?" ( where is he?){ I used google translate;-; }He heard yelled.

"Non lo so. non è dalla mia parte."(I don't know. He's not on my side) after that he heard a slap and angry cursing.

"sa che siamo qui ora grazie a voi due !!" ( he knows we're here now thanks to you two!! ) The angry voice yells stumping into the room below him. " we know you are here come out you belong to us now!" He hissed into the empty room. Alfred stayed quiet but froze when he heard even more cars and then shouting and gun shots. Only a fool would leave the safety of the hidden room and our Alfred is no fool he stayed hidden until he heard cars retreating. And he waits looking at his phone that was in his pocket and sent a text to Ivan

' what the actual hell how did they find me?' He narrowed his eyes and waited for a reply.

' are you still in the house' Ivan reply is quick.

' yes I never left was that you that got in a gunfight or should I stay hidden' he texted half heartedly paying attention to his phone as he listened.

' yes it was us. We are still here the other people left quickly' Ivan sent it. Alfred waits a bit longer not replying did he really want to go with the Russian or did he want to go out on his own. He gets moving first he had to get bags to the ground then get down. As he did that he sighs texting.

' on my way then' Alfred sent as he turns around only to have his soul leave his body. Ivan stood there with a smirk obviously happy he was able to spook the hitman. Alfred then glares at Ivan.

" you're just luck I didn't have a knife in my hand " Alfred said seriously and Ivan only chuckled. That made Alfred frown as he picks a bag up it had a bunch of guns crammed into it.

" why do you have four bags " he asked curiously.

" their my guns I wasn't going to leave them behind for their grubby fingers to get all over them " he rolled his eyes as he picked up another one putting it on his back along with the other one he had in his hand as well picked the other two up they were filed with lighter guns. Ivan nodded and quickly spun around walking towards the front door having to go down some stairs first. Alfred follows behind him. His mind runs circle as he realized he had to be one step head of that mafia if he wanted to stay out of their hands. That means he will have to research them. He realized now how dangerous his job just got. Well his job was always dangerous he assumed but it grew easy for him now he had to keep his eyes sharp his hearing even sharper his strength had to be top notch and he couldn't let the mafia get ahold of any of his weaknesses. If he had any he didn't think he did.

   By now he was sitting in Mr.Braginsky car he had put the bags in the trunk as he waited quietly for the car to start. Mr. braginsky was talking to his people in Russian. Alfred knew a lot of languages lucky him but the car made it hard to translate the words since it was muffling the voices.so he didn't even try as he rolled his eyes. Ivan got in the card passenger side as the driver that would be driving them got in his seat. Alfred could tell Mr.Ivan had questions but he wasn't interested in giving any answers at the moment.

" question I- " Ivan started but Alfred cuts him off.

" answer " he wasn't looking at Ivan but he could tell that made him a little upset. He hears Ivan sigh.

" mr. jones I think we both know that isn't what I meant " Alfred huffed quietly he didn't want to be asked any questions he was still trying to figure out how they found him. He had to answer his own questions he didn't need to have to answer others questions as well. " I was just thinking you should join us in Russia if those people are after you then my home land should be safer especially since then you technically would be working for the Russian government." That got Alfreds attention as he blankly looks at the Russian wasn't that why he offered to help in the first place? He thinks about it would it be a better option Alfred wasn't really sure now but heck life would have killed him if he didn't take any chances so he nodded. Ivan smiled "good to have you on are team then" Ivan looks back at the road ahead. Leaving Alfred to his thoughts he couldn't help but start to miss his child hood and his brothers. Brothers? Did he have more then one he couldn't remember he only could remember his twin brother. He shakes the thought out of his head. And watched out of the window as he thinks over what he knew and what he need to know and wanted to know. The big one is why did life like to play with him?

{ dear poor al it's because I'm America and I relate to your character more then the others so I want to use you as a writing point:) }

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