Ch. 11

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Storm: I learned a new word. :D Shiveta. :D
Cyra What does that mean?
Russia: Shit.
Storm: Oh.
Doctor: Never say that again Storm.
Cyra: Hey your not one of my gumdrops!
Russia: I like knitting. :3
Storm: I like food.
Cyra: Do you want to be one of my gumdrops?
Russia: no thanks *dissappears*
Storm: doctor, if I was a pony, would I have eyes?
Doctor: Yes.
Cyra: Why wouldn't he want to be one of my gumdrops? D:
Romano: I can give you a couple of-a reasons!!!
Cyra: Be quiet Angry gumdrop!
Storm: If I was a pony would I have legs?
Doctor: Yes.
Storm: if I was a pony would I have-
Romano: Shut the f*** up!! You stupid pigeon!
Storm:......... WAAAAAAAAAHHHH *crys like a storm*
Cyra: Romano!
Prussia: Are you really that surprised?
Cyra: No, not really.
Storm: *hugging doctor while crying* WAAAAAH!
Doctor: Calm down Storm.
Denmark: That's the only thing you're concerned about?
Storm: Yes *sniff*
Castielle: It's okay Storm we've all been insulted before.
Storm: *sniff* But he called pigeons stupid too.
Castielle: Well he'll be punished for his sins trust me.
Romano: What the H*** you angel bastard!!!
Storm: The Birds are gonna get you!Bad people get their wings taken away and fall to hell. :(
Darkkly: Your the only one with wings Storm.
Cyra: *Slaps Darkkly.* Catielle is angel you D***!
Darkkly: Oh
Dean: Get it right!
Cyra: Thanks for the back up.
Dean: No problem.
Storm: see the good people keep their wings.
Cyra: I bet that's why Darkkly has no wings! XD
Darkkly: *gives himself shadow wings* who's talking now?
Cyra: Those aren't real wings! *throws a ninja star at him.*
Darkkly: *dodges so it hit the controls*
Doctor: My TARDIS!!!!
America: Does she ever give you a break?
Darkkly: No.
Cyra: America, no talking to the enemy!! *throws axe at Darkkly*
Denmark: My axe!!
Darkkly: *dodges again*
Cyra: *Throws Loki's septer.*
Loki: Don't destroy that septer!!
Darkkly: *Goes through him* I have successfully. Destroyed the control panel!
Doctor: Stop throwing things!!!
Cyra: *Turns into a shadow and starts strangling Darkkly.*
Darkkly: *turns human* Ha I win! XD *throws a rock at Cyra*
Cyra: You're such a BASTARD!! *Dodges rock. Throws America at Darkkly*
Darkkly: *dodges*
Storm: *rock. Hits* Ow my eye T-T
Doctor: Alright you two stop fighting right now!!!
Cyra: *Puts down Romano*
Storm: My eye is black D:
Doctor: Storm, go to the medical room. As for you too go into that closet!
Darkkly: Hell no, I'm not playing seven minutes in heaven!
Cyra: Doctor,what's worng with you?!
Doctor: It isn't seven minutes in heaven. You two will sit in there till you work things out. And Storm You won't need a shot.
Storm: O-O I don't like needles...
Darkkly: *raises hand* If I go in there and come out alone and bloody does that count as murder?
Doctor: Yes
Cyra: There is no way that Darkkly could kill me, I have my gumdrop army!! >:D
Darkkly: *smiles like a gengar* You won't have your army
Cyra: You dare threaten my gumdrops?! *evil aura surrounding her*
Darkkly: Anyways I'm. Not getting. In the closet.
Storm: I can't see *Has bandage over head*
Doctor: *Shoves Cyra and Darkkly into a closet and nakes sure there is no way they can get out.* Storm come with me we'll tend to your eye.
Storm: *walks into wall* Now my face hurts too!
Darkkly: Well shiveta.
Cyra: *Hits him on the head with a hammer.*
Darkkly: *hammer goes through* #BETTERTHANJACK
Cyra: Atleast I like Jack!!
Darkkly: I like Jack too, at the end of the day id be sad if he died, and steal his soul and put it in a innocent childs body!!
Cyra: I hate you.
Darkkly: I love you too buddy!
France: I ship you two.
Cyra: How the hell did you get here?!
France: The Doctor said you two love birds needed counseling.
Cyra: STFU!!!
Darkkly: Your face needs counseling
France: Well that was rude. So what makes you two fight so much.
Cyra: His face.
Darkkly: Her voice and face. It just fills my soul with hatred
Cyra: Asshole.
Darkkly: Bitchface.
France: You two are just so adorable.
Cyra: No one asked your opinion Frog Face!
Darkky: I ship you both if we are working with that logic.
Cyra: Well I ship you with Jack!!!!
Darkkly: He probably does too, I'm just that hot.
Cyra: A huge Dick is what you are!!!
France: Now how did this fighting start?
Cyra:When he insulted Prussia.
Darkkly: Yes I do, and for the record she said it.
Cyra: Will you just die a second time!!!
Darkkly: Will you die a third time? Obviously a shedemon like you mustve died at least once.
Cyra: Go back to Ella, no one wants you here!!!
France: Who?
Darkkly: My ex who killed me!
Cyra: Oh please you comitted suicide!
France: What?!
Darkkly: I killed her and my brother because she was cheating on me with him, and it made me commit suicide and fall into hell, but I got out with my awesome!
France: *faints*
Cyra: Prussia's more awesome!!! And look what you did!!
Darkkly: Yum!
Cyra: I can't believe you!!!
Darkkly: Misery burgers.
Cyra: I'm done with your shit!!! I want out!
Darkkly: Kay, *shadow travels out bit can't bc of doctor magic.*
Cyra: Stupid ass hole!
Darkkly: I'm a guy what did you expect?
Cyra: For you to die.
France: *wakes up* Now where were we.
Darkkly: Dieing doesn't remove the guy brain *takes another bite outta burger* Ha, I bet Murica wants this burger.
Cyra: It's America not 'Murica. A-mer-ica.
Darkkly: *retells story* Aww my brugers gone!
Cyra: Ha!!
Darkkly: Hey get me a real burger? *asking France*
France: Sorry, but not until we settle this. So you two just kiss and make up.
Cyra: Hell no!!
Darkkly: That went out of style a few hundred years ago in the rest of the world.
France: Well do something. I can't take this anymore!!
Darkkly: Do I get a burger?
France: Whatever just make out- err i mean make up.
Cyra: You're such a perv.
Darkkly: Even better, buy me lunch.
France: Then make up.
Darkkly: I'm not Harkness, but fine *kisses on cheek* FOOD TIME!
Cyra: *Punches Darkkly in the face* Not like that!!!
Cyra: He said Make up not kiss me you idiot!!!!
Darkkly: Same thing in france.
France: True.
Cyra: This isn't France!
Darklly: Well I could have gone with France's original idea.
Cyra: Good thing you didn't cause i would've-
France: Cyra, say sorry!
Cyra: I'm sorry your such an ass!
Darkkly: I'm sorry your moms a bitch!
Cyra: How would that offend me? I hate her!
Darkkly: Exactly, I'm being such a gentleman.
Cyra: Liar!
Darkkly: France she's being so mean *fake crying*
France: Doctor, I can't take this!!
Doctor: Fine *teleports france out*
Darkkly: Lunch now?
Doctor: You two work this out on your own.
Darkkly: *turns into italy* Please-A let me out I cant-a take it!
Doctor: Nice try.
Darkkly: shit
Cyra: Here *hands Darkkly a burger*
Cyra: Just stop whining.
Darkkly: *swallows it whole and turns into a puppy. Sits and begs*
Cyra: It's not gonna work on me.
Darkkly: awww, Well I. Think we made up let's go, *tries to walk outside*
Doctor: Nope she still hates you!
Cyra: Now you're just messing with us!
Doctor: You're right. I'll let you go.
Storm: I can't move.

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