Ch. 9

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Storm: Hey doctor are you single?
Doc: why do you ask?
Storm: just wonderin
Doc: are you implying something?
Storm: I'm setting you up for online dating. :D
Doctor: Thank god
Storm: I knew you were lonely. :D
Doctor: I am not!!
Storm: ok, ill set up Cyra instead :D
Doctor: You go do that.
Cyra: Storm!!!
Storm: I found your soulmate!!!
Cyra: No I'm not i have my gumdrops, but i was just wondering who is my soul mate
Storm: his user is #awesomesauce123. He's always drunk and doesn't have a job, just like you!
Cyra: Who is he?
Storm: His name is bob.
Darkkly: I'm still single, why do you people never include me I'm awesome
Cyra: Nobody cares about you Dorklly!
Darkkly: *turns into puppy* *wimpers*
Storm: Awww, its ok baby Darkky.
Cyra: >:P I'm fine with my gumdrops thank you very much.
Storm: Ok ill set up Darkkly! Oooo she looks nice! Her names Gabriella-
Darkkly: good to know no one asks " Oh but who's this?" "Why is a player like you hating on a girl play"?
Cyra: Bc you're a hypocrite.
Darkkly: No because she inadvertially killed me! If it wasn't for that bitch I wouldn't even be here to annoy you
Cyra: Killing yourself was your idea.
Darkkly: I wouldn't have killed myself if she hadn't cheated on me with my damb brother, heck she ruined my personality! I used to be a good, smart, person who never hurt any girl and did. EVERYTHING. For her
Cyra: Yeah sure.
Darkkly: I have proof, *holds up a box of ancient scrolls* My life story. See because she hurt me, it all pent up inside me, I'm made of that anger, that hatred, made me into a shadow demon that wants revenge, so I hurt women for hurting me.
Cyra: Poor wittle Dorklly, does the wittle baby need a bwanky. XD
Darkkly: Its like your excuse for liqior-Cyra: I have no excuse for beer it's just good!
Darkkly: every baddy has a backstory to justify it, wow I sound epic, *pats himself on back*
Cyra: And i'm not a baddy you d***less s*** mongor!
Darkkly: *suddenly dressed like eniem* Well I do, so fuck you and fuck you too
Storm: who are you pointing at?
Cyra: Denmark hold my flower.
Denmark: You go Cyra, i got your flower.
Darkkly: And I'm not a alcolic you ***less ********!
Loki: Do you need my septer?
Cyra: Yes i do.
Darkkly: *makes a sword out of shadow* Bring it b****.
Cyra: It's ur funeral d*** head.
Storm: Let's not fight! *stands between them.*
Storm: America!
America: Come on Storm let's go get icecream.
Storm: Nope! I ain't moving.
America: Icecream.
Storm: I'm busy :P.
Darkkly: D** it Storm! It's not your job to be the peace keeper.
Storm: Actually it is. I'm just not that good at it. :P
Cyra: Fine, Prussia, Romano get her.
Storm: I GOT AN IDEA! *Poof*
*lights go off*
Cyra: Throw's denmark's battle axe.
Darkkly: You almost hit my head!
Cyra: That's what I was aiming for!
Storm: *dressed in a cloak* You will meet three ghosts tonight! You have been warned!!! *poof*
Cyra: What's this about?
Wolf: fine whatever, we are stealing Galaxys magic to go back in time, *snaps fingers*
So um, Holy crap is that Darkkly??? XD YOUR SO TINY!,
Cyra: The tiny Dorklly XD.
(1/2) Wolf: I don't know, but I'm taking baby-
Darkkly: My name was Luke, I adopted this name.
Wolf: For a human he's adorable.
Darkkly: *grins suggestivly*
Wolf: Shut up a**hole!
Baby luke: SCARY SHADOW MAN!!! *starts crying*
Darkkly: Wow, I scared myself, Little guy I'm you after you die :D.
Luke: MOMMMY!!!!!
Wolf: *picks up Luke* Its alright little human, ill protect you from the scawwy shadow man.
Cyra: Wat do we do with a baby Darkkly?
Wolf: we are taking him with us, btw... Darkkly had pupils?
Darkkly: I was a HUMAN, not born a demon.
Wolf: anyways, let's go find baby Cyra.
*Teleports to her homeland.*
Wolf: Jeez, Cyra wtf is wrong with your family?? WHY ARE YOU TORTURING BABIES???
Luke: *hugs wolf* I'm scared :'(.
Cyra: We feed off of the suffering of others, and children's suffering just tastes the best.
Wolf: Ok I'm done, *returns Luke* two more ghosts, goodluck.
Galaxy: I am the ghost of christmas present- ah, you know the present so bleh I'm dead now.
Darkkly: Well that was a waste of time.
Cyra: Can we get this over with so i can beat Dorklly's a**.
*land turns to a grave yard full of fog* Hooded figure: .......
Darkkly: Wtf say something.
Cyra: Storm take off the hood.
Hooded figure: *gestures to a grave*
Storm: That's not me I'm right here, I didn't ask anyone to be furture.
Cyra: *Screams and jumps into Darkkly's arms.*
Hooded figure: .....
Storm: aww furture mes crying D:
Darkkly: ..... F*** GET THAT THING AWAY!
Storm: Lookit its got Cyras name, Cyra lookit you got a rock!
Cyra: Buti'mimmortalihateyousomuchijustwantmygumdrops!! DX
Hooded figure: *creepy whispery voice* Even you can die Cyra, no one is immortal, you'll all fall to the hands of fate.
Storm: OH! It must be the doctor! XD really funny Doc, can we go home now
Hooded figure: .....
Cyra: Doctor cut it out.
storm: seriously doctor your scaring me
Hooded figure: *takes off hood*
*later in the tardis*
Darkkly: holy f***. DOC. THAT WASN'T FUNNY!
Doctor: what?
Doctor: I was fixing my sonic, because SOMEONE broke it
Storm: So if that wasn't you, who was it?
Cyra: *Still in Darkkly's arms* Wait a minute?! *punches Darkkly* There we go! :3 *Darkkly drops her* Hey!!
Storm: Maybe.... no he's dead :D
Darkkly: who's dead?
Storm: Percy, he burnt cus he got set on fire.
Darkkly: Ok. That's great.
Percy: *appears behind them* Boo
Cyra: Ahhh! *punches him in the face out of fear*
Percy: S**** I've still got burns jeez
Percy: F*** this I'm out
Cyra: I defeated a bad guy :3!
Storm: Yay! So. Did you learn a lesson?
Cyra: Yes i did never interrupt a fight or people will die :3.
Storm: That's a great lesson!
Darkkly: I learned Percy is a f***ing d***!
Storm: That's a fantastic lesson :D!
Doctor: Really?
Storm: Yes :D.


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