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Promises, don't make them unless you mean them. Don't break them unless you hate them. You'll regret it and it'll be to late to take it back.

Promises mean everything but after they're broke. Sorry means nothing.

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There were kids running around and playing tag and hide and seek. There were adults all round them, watching over them and making sure everything was fine. There were happy noises and loud laughing and cheering. There were lots of conversations going on. And in all if these, there was one thing no one noticed. One person. One girl. One sad, lonely, broken girl.

One girl, sitting by a river bank. All by herself. Crying. Wishing. Hoping.

Crying for someone to notice her.

Wishing for a friend to take her loneliness and pains.

And hoping that soon she would be happy with the people who she loves and that loves her back.

And one did. One boy. A happy boy. Playing with his friends. Laughing and playing. He noticed his little angel. He, the only one who seemed to ever care about her. He, who listened to her and hugged her. He, who loved then lost. Promised then failed to keep it. He, who broke it and now regrets it.


The little girl was sitting there in a corner, swinging her feet back and forth. Crying for her parents. Sister and brother. For her friends.

A little boy, couple years older than her, saw her setting by herself. He went up to her. "Hey Scarlett."

"Hey Ashton."she said wiping away her tears. He sat next to her. "What's wrong. Did someone say something to you again?" He asked in a concerned tone. He held her hand in his.

"Ash-Ashton why don't they like me? What did I do to them?" She broke down, crying harder. He turned his head away to the group of kids, looking at him. Shaking their heads in disappointment. He turned back to her and held her cheek in his hand, creasing it lovingly and slowly.

"Scarlett, I promise I will always be here for you. I will always be here to protect you. When I'm alpha I won't let anyone hurt you. Do you know something? I think we will be mates. And I want to be mates with you. I will be the one to protect you and love you for the rest of eternity." That's the promise a 11 year old made to an 8 year old.

"What if we're not mates?" She asked. Ashton growled, "We will be mates." "And what if you don't want me? What if you don't like me? What if you leave me? Like everyone else that left me." A tear rolled down her cheek. "I won't. I'll always be here. I'll always love you. You'll always be my first love." He leaned in and kissed her on the lip.

She backed away a little, looking down. She blushed. "And my first kiss. And I'll be your first kiss."


This is my new story. It's not really original. It's probably like all the other rejection stories. But of course it's got my own spices in it. Hope y'all like it.




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