Long time no see

276 15 13

So, hey. I'm back, I guess.

Mostly because I have no one or nowhere else to go to. I guess, nowhere but here.

Arh! I honestly don't even know.

I'm seriously in so much pain right now, I can't even explain.

It's like I can't breath. My stomach is tightening. My heart is tightening. Like some one is choking me. Breaking me.

And there is nothing I can do to stop it!

I'm dying.

I want it to stop. To go away. But it just won't.

I feel like hurling.

I feel like I'm being sucked in, I don't know into what. But into something.

I'm hurting. Not only me, but the ones around me.

And that's hurting me even more.

I'm sucked into this thing and it just won't let me go!

No matter how much I try to escape it. It won't work. I just can't.

I needed to let it out nd I guess you guys are the only one I have. But than again you guys probably hate me to right about now.

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