Chapter 25

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A few days passed since the battle at the Starcourt mall. Everyone was still trying to get over the loss of Hopper and the fact that the monster could've killed them. But now they had something else to deal with. As today was the day where Peter Parker and El Hopper would move out of Hawkins to love with the Avengers.

The party joined the two siblings at the cabin to help them pack. The Avengers would be arriving soon to pick them up and they needed extra hands with the boxes. Ned and MJ were also helping out, since they haven't left yet to go back home. Instead, they would catch a ride in the Quinjet with the others.

El was in her room, packing all of her stuff with Mike's help. They were finishing up with the last couple of boxes that were left. Once they finished, El took a step back and stared at her now empty room with boxes all over it. She still couldn't believe what was happening, that she was now moving to live with the Avengers. She never imagined leaving this town before, but now she was and it felt strange.

Mike wrapped an arm around her, noticing how she looked. "You'll be fine, El," he reassured her. "I know that it's hard, but you're going to be okay. I promise you."

El nodded at him. "I know," she said with a small smile on her face.

"We packed your walkie and phone, right?" Mike asked her.

"Yes," El replied with a nod.

"Because you know I'm gonna be calling you every night, asking you how you are and what it's like living with the Avengers, right?" Mike joked with a laugh.

El laughed in response. "And you'll come during spring break, right?" She asked her boyfriend. "Just like we talked?"

Mike nodded at her. "Yup! My mom said I could go. Hopefully the others can come as well too," he said. "And you can come around whenever you want too! After spring break, we have weekends and the whole summer. It won't be like last time because we will see each other."

"I know," El said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I promised that you won't lose me. I want to keep that promise."

"Me too," Mike said, taking her hand in his. "If only I could come with you. That way we can see each other everyday."

"Good thing we can call," El said. "The Avengers have a secure line for me to use my phone now, so I can finally use it. And the lab won't be able to find me. Not all the way in New York."

"And thank god for that," Mike replied.

The two stood there in silence for a few moments, not knowing what else to say to each other. But then, Mike spoke up. "El?" He said.

"Yes?" El replied.

"I've been meaning to tell you something," Mike started to say. "It's just... with you moving away  and with everything that's happened, I need to say this before it's too late. I've never felt like this, you know, with anyone before and... being with you makes me happy. Happier than I've ever been before. You're a part of me and I still can't believe that you would even like me the way you do."

El smiled at him, squeezing his hand in hers. "I feel the same," she replied.

"W-Well," Mike started to stutter. "This is something that I've felt ever since I met you that night in the woods. I didn't know what the feeling was until now and I never thought I would feel it when I was 12 of all ages. And I've been meaning to tell you for a while now, but I didn't know how to. But I think the time is right."

El's eyes widened at him, not sure at what he was going to say. She felt like she knew what he was going to say, but she wasn't sure. This had never happened to her before, but she hoped that it was going to where she thought it was going.

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