Chapter 1

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Two months after half the universe died and came back, life was getting back to normal for El Hopper. It was just the way she had wanted ever since she escaped the lab. She had the father she always wanted, the love of her life always by her side, and the bestest friends she could ever ask for. Plus, she was going to school and learning more about the world and how to speak properly, along with the help from Hopper and Mike.

When half the universe faded away, El was miserable because she lost her loved ones. She and Will would mourn together at times because he had lost his mother and brother during this period. El saw Will as a brother and she cared about him greatly, so when the Byers' had disappeared, she was always there for him. Lucas didn't have it so easy either since he had lost Erica, which made him surprised that he had missed her so much. Max had lost Billy, but she didn't even give a care about that. All she cared about was her friends' disappearance.

Now they were all back and everything was better. 

School was reopening again after what had happened, and El was the first one there, waiting to be let in. She was one of the very few people who liked school in Hawkins. In science, she got to learn more about the how the world worked and what humans were made of. In math, everything was like a puzzle that was waiting to be solved. In English, she got to learn more words, how to read better, and how to say a proper sentence. In history, she learned how the world came to be and where everything came from. It was all very fascinating and wonderful in her eyes.

Mike, Lucas, and Dustin arrived on their bikes and waved over at El. Max showed up a few moments later on her skateboard and Will came from Joyce's car. El smiled at her friends and talked with them until the teachers let them in. Then they went their separate ways to their lockers. 

Max and El were walking in the same direction since their lockers were close to each other. "Hey, El, during recess, you want me to teach you how to skateboard? Like how I said I would?" The redhead asked her friend.

"Sure! Sounds like fun!" El said with a wide grin.

Max grinned back at her telekinetic friend. "It is, but it definitely takes a lot of practice in order to keep your balance," she said.

El opened up her locker and started grabbing her books. "If I can close a whole gate to another dimension, I'm sure I can handle a skateboard," she said.

Her friend chuckled at that remark. "And open one," she added. "But let's hope that never happens again. I don't want half of the world to just... die again," she said, frowning at the thought.

"Don't remind me," El said, biting her lip. "At least everyone is back now. According to the news, it was this team of superheroes who saved everyone. The... Av... en... gers?" She said.

Max nodded. "Yup, the Avengers. A team of superheroes who save the world from weird ass events. They've been around for years, and up until now I had no idea what they were avenging," she said. "Some of them are dead now. They had public and private funerals back to back. Even Tony Stark and Captain America are dead. I think that shocked the world the most," she added in.

"That's horrible," El responded, closing her locker. "Who else died?"

"Well, like I said, Tony Stark and Captain America. Also War Machine, The Hulk, and Hawkeye. Thor hasn't even been seen since their deaths, according to the news," Max explained. "The only original Avenger that is left is Black Widow. Almost everyone else died and came back from the dust."

El shook her head at what had been told to her. Heroes had sacrificed their lives in order to save half of the universe. She felt horrible because she could've done something to help and bring back everyone. No one  needed to die permanently from something like this. 

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