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*Warning: Sadness*

Peter Parker was trapped for what felt like infinity. Ever since he had faded away from Tony Stark's arms on Titan, he felt alone in the soul world. There were other people in there too, along with some of the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy, but he missed being home. He wanted to be in school with his friends and learn how to be an Avenger. 

He missed Tony Stark.

After a long time of being trapped, he started fading away again, just like he had before. Shaking in fear, Peter accepted what was happening, let himself go, and closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, Peter was alive. But so many others weren't. He looked around in this unfamiliar setting and saw what brought horrors to his eyes. So many of the Avengers were dead. He saw Steve Roger's body being held by the newly brought back Bucky Barnes with Sam Wilson beside him. Clint Barton was lying on the ground with blood spilling out of his chest with Bruce Banner lying beside him, Natasha Romanov holding both of their hands. War Machine had a hole blasted inside his stomach and was still. Thor was no where to be seen in the whole picture. 

Thanos had surely done this, but even he was no where to be found, but lying on the ground was a pile of dust, Nebula wearing the gauntlet next to it along with Carol Danvers. Scott Lang, Rocket Raccoon, Doctor Strange, Hope Van Dyne, T'Challa, and the newly brought back Avengers and Guardians stood back in shock, including Peter.

"Kid..." a weak voice called out. Peter turned his head and saw Tony Stark reaching a hand out to him. The boy quickly ran over and saw blood pouring out of his chest, frightening him. He put his hand over the wound in an attempt to stop the blood while lifting up Tony's head.

"Mr. Stark, please no," Peter begged with tears pouring into his eyes. He just got back to life, but now his mentor and father figure was leaving him permanently.

"Looks like I'm the one not feeling so good this time, huh?" Tony joked with a slight chuckle. "I know you want to save me, but there's no chance of that happening."

Peter shook his head, tears now streaming down his face. "I can get help. I-I can save you. I can't lose you, Mr. Stark," he choked out. "Please don't go. Please."

Images of Uncle Ben's death poured into his head. Peter started to cry more at the thought of his dead uncle. The way that he was holding Tony in his arms and trying to keep more blood from pouring out reminded him of the night Ben was shot. He had no idea how Tony got this wound unlike Ben, but there was no way of keeping it from killing him no mater how hard he tried to convince himself otherwise.

"I'm afraid I have to, kid. If you ever see Pepper, tell her I love her. Just let her know that I died with some dignity and a motivation," Tony said, feeling weaker as each moment past.

"What motivation?" Peter asked.

"You," Tony declared with a small grin spreading across his face. Then he closed his eyes and fell back in Peter's arms, accepting his fate.

Peter sat there in shock, shaking the man as much as he could, begging for him to awaken. "Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark?! Tony?! No no no! Tony! Please!" He cried. "TONY PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! DAD!"

He kept screaming for him until he couldn't scream anymore. Then he lowered his head onto Tony's chest and sobbed. He cried until there were no more tears left in his system and just sat there holding his dead father figure. Doctor Strange walked over to the boy and gently pulled him up so the rest of the Avengers could collect his body.

The next thing that Peter could remember after his trip back with the Avengers was him knocking on the door to his apartment, still in his Iron Spider suit. Aunt May opened the door and the two said nothing as they embraced each other, crying into one another's shoulders. There was no scolding received from his aunt in anyway, just words of comfort and relief.

The two finally let go and Peter walked inside his room for the first time in forever, changing into more comfortable clothes and eating dinner again with May. Although this was all he wanted, Peter hated how everything was becoming normal again with the Avengers sacrificing their lives to save him and the others. All Tony wanted was to save him and he succeeded, costing himself his own life in the process.

Peter cried himself to sleep that night.


El Hopper was sitting in the woods nearby her cabin, softly crying. Ever since so many people turned into dust in Hawkins, she felt miserable. These people included Mike and Hopper. Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Will were still around, but El felt like it was her fault that she couldn't save everyone.

Since there was no body of her two loved ones, El made a small grave for her father and love. That was where she was sitting right now, mourning over the ones she lost. She also mourned for Jonathan, Steve, and Joyce, who had also turned into dust. The young girl had no idea what happened, but all she knew was that she couldn't save them. 

"El?" A familiar voice called out to her. El lifted up her head and turned around, only to see Mike standing right behind her with a wide eyed look. She gasped, slowly standing up and walking closer to him. 

"Mike?" She asked, more tears falling down her cheeks. El lifted her hand and cupped Mike's cheek to see if he was real and alive. At last, the two embraced and cried into one another, overjoyed at the reunion. "I thought you were dead. I couldn't save you. I'm so sorry Mike," El cried.

"Don't apologize, El," Mike whispered. "I'm okay now and that's all that matters. God I missed you so much." He stroked her soft hair, squeezing her tight in his arms. The two pulled away only to kiss each other passionately.

"Hey kid, get your hands off my daughter," another voice called out behind the couple. El let go of Mike and looked behind her, seeing Hopper, her father. "It's good to see you again, El."

El gave her father a watery smile and ran into his arms. Hopper hugged her back and father and daughter stood there for a while. After a few minutes of the two hugging, El, Mike, and Hopper went back into town to see everyone else return from the dead. El smiled at the sight of everyone coming back. It made her happy that this wasn't permanent and she wouldn't need to blame herself anymore.

Lucas, Dustin, Will, and Max were walking throughout the town, amazed at everyone returning. The kids got even more excited when they saw Mike back. The four ran to their friend and gave him a giant group hug. El joined in on the hug and the six friends all laughed in joy. Jonathan and Joyce appeared behind the kids, which caused for Will to embrace his family tightly. Steve also came back, more confused than ever, which led to Dustin jumping on him and hugging him.

The whole party embrace each other, excited and happy over the fact that they were all back.

El slept in Mike's arms with a smile that night.

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