Chapter 15

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"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" El screamed as her nose was bleeding.

As soon as she said this, Mike, Max, Lucas, Will, and MJ ran up behind her and looked at the supervillains. They were all shocked when they saw Doctor Octopus, recognizing him from the news. They remembered the Vulture from the news as well, but everyone else was unfamiliar. But they noticed something behind the supervillains. It was a giant machine that was pointed towards a wall, which had to be a part of their plan somehow.

Doctor Octopus chuckled when he saw El there, glaring at him. "It's the same girl who saved Spider-Man from Black Cat the other night," he said. "You're not a match for any of us. Run along now little girl and go back home to your papa."

El lifted up her hand and pushed Doctor Octopus against the wall, yelling as she did so. As she started going to the other villains, MJ and Will ran to help Spider-Man, who was still lying on the floor. They got him out of the way in time as El smashed Electro up against the wall. 

Peter coughed and finally noticed MJ helping him. "MJ..." he whispered. MJ gave him a smile as she and Will laid him against the wall, far away from the action going on. 

"Will, you go help El and the others. I'll stay with him," MJ said.

"You sure? Will he be okay?" Will asked, worried for his favorite superhero.

"He will be and if he isn't, he'll be hearing from me," MJ said to reassure him. Will nodded and ran to go help the party. 

Peter looked up at MJ and gave her a weak smile underneath his mask. "I'm so happy you're here," he said, weakly. "I missed you so much."

MJ smiled at him. "I missed you too, loser," she said. Then she slapped him across the face.

"OW! WHY?!" Peter shouted, holding his face in pain.

"That's for making me worry about you, you idiot!" MJ shouted. "Seriously, I was constantly calling you and then your sister's boyfriend picked up and said you were in danger. I got Ned to come as well, but we were both really worried."

"I'm sorry," Peter said, looking down. "Wait, Ned is here too? Where is he?"

"He's with Dustin helping him with communications," MJ explained. "He wanted to be your Guy in the Chair again. I don't understand that at all, but whatever. I'll just go with the excuse that you guys are nerds."

"You're a nerd too MJ, shush," Peter said in a teasing voice.

Meanwhile, the kids were trying to fight back and defeat the supervillains. El was managing them while Mike and Lucas were trying to find a way to destroy the machine. Will and Max were talking with Dustin and Ned on the supercom to see if they knew how.

"Why do we need to shut off these machine anyway?" Lucas asked Mike. "It's not doing anything at all."

"Exactly why we need to destroy it," Mike explained. "Obviously these guys want to use it somehow and we can't let them use it. Why do you think they were standing by it? And I saw that scientist try to use it when we came in while the fishbowl dude was torturing Spider-Man."

Lucas shrugged in response. "Makes sense," he said. Then he turned to his girlfriend and friend on the supercom. "Is Dustin or Ned saying anything?" He asked them.

All of a sudden, they heard Dustin speak up. "Ned is checking his laptop on how to shut off giant ass machines. Thank god Cerebro also gives off a strong WiFi signal," he explained.

"Well, there's no proper way to shut off a giant machine with just a switch," Ned said. "You have to actually destroy it in order for these villains to never use it. If you just turn it off, they can turn it on again."

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