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taehyung's pov

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taehyung's pov.

TAEHYUNG WAS LAYING IN BED, trying his hardest to go to sleep but nothing was working. Jeongguk was snoring softly next to him, which the older found adorable, even though he envied him because he was getting rest.

The reason Taehyung couldn't sleep? Something felt off to him. He had this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach and he couldn't get rid of it. He had no idea why he felt like this, but it wouldn't go away, that's for sure.

He just had this feeling that everything was about to go bad. He didn't know what, but it was there and it was nagging him relentlessly. It was starting to make him feel sick. Is this what the humans call anxiety felt like?

Taehyung quickly sat up, pushing the covers off of him slowly so he didn't wake Jeongguk. He got off the bed just as the youngers phone started buzzing. He glanced over at the caller I.D. to see who it was. Jimin.

The older grabbed the phone, hurriedly walking out of Jeongguk's room before answering it. He didn't want to wake him because this was the first time in days he was getting the rest he needed.

"Hello?" Taehyung whispered into the device.

"We have a problem." The older of the two whispered back, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear him. Why, though? Jimin was alone in that house, so why was he talking quietly?

"What's the problem, Jimin?" Taehyung asked, the feeling he had before amplifying.

"Your father's here." And with that, the younger dropped the phone on the ground before bolting down the stairs and out of the house.


Taehyung was running. He was running as fast as he could down the dim streets of Busan, trying to get to the house he used to live in. He had no shoes on, so every time his feet hit the ground, it sent a wave of pain up his legs. He was starting to get exhausted, but he didn't stop because he had to get to Jimin as soon as possible.

He didn't care about his father, he just cared about his best friend. He didn't want him to get hurt by the man. Especially if he knew that Jimin betrayed him.

Taehyung knew something was wrong, that's why he kept feeling so off. He knew things were about to go downhill and now he knows why.

The younger finally reached the house, running up the steps to the porch before barging through the front door. It was quiet, dead quiet, all you could hear was Taehyung's ragged breaths.

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