Chapter 14

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Jimin's heart beats at an alarming rate. If they find him here, then they may torture him just like they do to Yoongi. He will even lose his job and thus, his source of income. Most of all, if they find out that he is working with Yoongi, then a lot of people will fall into trouble along with him.
He keeps shaking and even punching the elder in panic and finally Yoongi wakes up. Jimin gasps for air and frantically gestures Yoongi to move away from the door. In the next moment, he runs into the prison and closes the door behind, unintelligibly telling Yoongi that some of the Perfects are heading towards the prison. Yoongi takes a moment to understand everything since he is still groggy but immediately comes to his senses and hides Jimin away from the door.
A few seconds later, two Perfects reach the prison and look at Yoongi sitting near the door, not bothered by their presence.

One of them gives a food packet to him and asks, "Do you know any Glitcher named Jimin?"
"Do you expect any of the Glitchers to talk to me without facing your wrath?" Yoongi snorts at them, "Oh! You might not understand sarcasm. Let me answer that again - For most part of my life, I have been a slave to you people. And once I went out of here, I was termed as a rebel and no one speaks to me now in fear of getting caught by any of you. So, yeah... I don't know anyone. You can leave now and let me have peace." Yoongi turns away from them and through his peripheral vision, he could see that Jimin is standing against the wall, from where the Perfects can't see him, holding his breathe in panic. The Perfects storm away from there and Yoongi waits for a few seconds to peek from the door to make sure they left.
Then he shakes Jimin, "Breathe!"
Jimin stands there panicked but soon relaxes and crouches down to the floor.
"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asks Jimin as the younger takes deep breathes to calm himself down.
"Hyung, I have something to tell you."
"Okay. But first, relax and sit comfortably. The Perfects won't be returning here again today."
"Alright." Jimin sits beside the wall, still a little far from the prison door. Yoongi opens the food packet and offers it to Jimin but the younger rejects it. He opens his backpack and takes out a food packet.
"So, yesterday we went to the abandoned building and read a few manuals. We found out that Jin-hyung was the first Glitcher to have a partner and that person is Hoseok-hyung's bestfriend, Namjoon-hyung."
Yoongi's lips form an 'O' shape, "AND?"
"Hyung, you need not shout. We also found out that there is a manual somewhere in the Perfects' labs that has an updated list of all the Glitchers partners names. There is also a machine that can confirm if two Glitchers are partners or not. But I don't know in which lab it is located."
Yoongi nods at him, "If Jin-hyung is the first one to have a partner, then my partner, if at all I have one, will be younger than me."
"Yes hyung. Funny thing was that, Taehyung mentioned that both of us can possibly be partners." Jimin chuckles.
"You and I?" Yoongi frowns a little.
"Yeah. But hey, it is what HE said-"
"Why did he say so?"

Jimin thinks for a moment.
"One of the manuals mentioned that since the glitch in your partner is an undo of the one present in you, there will be some differences in the way you and your partner think or behave but also there will be some similarities." Jimin shrugs and continues eating.
"That makes sense." Yoongi nods thoughtfully, "You and I are prodigies-"
"That is exactly what he told." Jimin points his hand at Yoongi and widens his eyes.
Yoongi takes a deep sigh.
"Hyung, did you get to know anything new since yesterday?"
"No. It was difficult for me to return back here. I always concentrated on escaping from here but not the other way." Yoongi says but keeps thinking about the manual with the list of Glitcher partners.
"We can't do anything now. I have to escape from this place and go out first. I don't want the Perfects to torture people from my house for information regarding me." Jimin pouts a little but Yoongi doesn't respond anything.
"Hyung.." Jimin waves his hand infront of Yoongi's face bringing back his attention towards him.
"Hyung, do you know more about the ships?"
"What?" Yoongi falls out of context and frowns in confusion.
"The ships hyung, to escape from this place." Jimin whispers as he enunciates his words, "Jin-hyung may consider taking the ships but he also said that he won't leave me alone. So, I want to know if you have anymore details with you regarding those."
"I-I want to know more things about the ships but I could not get an opportunity. The lab from where I got the information about ships previously is located near the old prison. From here, it is difficult to sneak and enter that lab."
"Oh!" Jimin gets disappointed.
"Anyway, let's try for that some other day." But he pauses, "Wait! I almost forgot to ask you. Did you return keys into the lab?"
Jimin makes a worried expression, "I thought of returning it on my way back." He embarrassedly covers his face with his hands.
"Do you think we can go there again and grasp any more information?" Yoongi asks sceptical.
"I-I don't know hyung. There is a manual there which had something about Ear.. Earth. Everything that is in that manual is unknown to me."
Yoongi thinks for a few moments, "Don't return the keys today. Will let you know about that tomorrow. Also, I think you should return to your house now."
Jimin purses his lips and stands up, taking his backpack, "Will meet you tomorrow then." he says and leaves the prison but suddenly turns towards Yoongi, "Hyung, the code to open this prison's door and a lot of other labs is 9-2-9-4..."
"Yeah. So?"
"Jin-hyung's made in '92 and Namjoon-hyung in '94.."
They look at eachother puzzled but they don't know if that is just a coincidence or..
"Let's not think too much about this. Be careful on your way back." Yoongi says and sits down inside the prison. He wants to know who his partner is and more information regarding the ships.

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